Never stop praying. – 1
Thess 5:17 (NLT)
How do spiders know which areas of a house have the least traffic? We
only seem to find cobwebs under tables, high up in ceiling corners, behind the
oven, and all other such places that are usually not disturbed throughout a
I used to wonder how the spiders in my kitchen could tell, from among the
pots there, which one has been used in the last few days and which one has not.
Because, for some strange reason, I only find cobwebs in pots that have not
been used for weeks.
I discovered later that the spider really can’t tell which pot is a
regular and which one is a relic. It simply spins its web on them all. I
realized that I do not see webs on my regular pots because I keep rinsing them
away obliviously.
The same is true of dust. Dust doesn’t just settle on old Bibles and
spoilt VCRs; dust settles on everything: the newspaper, the baby’s new toy –
even you! The reason why you’re not covered in white film or threads of web is
because you keep moving yourself around.
The same is true in the supernatural realm. That is why Paul tells us to
“pray without ceasing”. You may not realise it, but your regular prayer life is
constantly cleaning up negative things around you that would have eventually manifested
if they kept accumulating through prayerlessness.
Someone once told me, “pray, so that you will not pray.” It
sounded illogical, but I understood the message. Why spend all-nights in praying
and days in fasting over problems that wouldn’t have gained momentum if you had
simply kept a daily time of prayer?
Beloved, theologians have read that injunction of Apostle Paul in 1Thess.
5:17 and have debated what he could possibly have meant by that. Maybe it’s the
fault of our modern translations.
In the Greek, Paul literally wrote, “proseuchomai adialeiptos adialeiptos”
In case you’re wondering, it means “pray without ceasing
More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus Name.
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