Monday, December 19, 2016


For unto us a child is born... – Isa 9:6.

It’s that time of year again.
I’m talking about stuffed stockings, evergreen trees, carols, greeting cards, cantatas, nativity plays, family get-togethers, jingle bells, fat men in red suits, ho-ho-ho’s...

Yes, it’s Christmastime, and as the popular song puts it, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”

Or Not.

Unfortunately, Christmas is known to be also a most traumatic time for some families and individuals. It’s a statistical reality that suicide rates jump high during the Yuletide, and psychologists suspect it’s because of the very reasons cited above.

The financial burden takes its toll on breadwinners. The loneliness and lovelessness that single/separated persons deal with every day is accentuated even further during this ‘family’ season.

What is Christmas anyway?
“Why,” someone would exclaim, “‘Tis the Mass of Christ: the season when we commemorate the virgin birth of Jesus, the Saviour of the world.”

But as we all know, things can get so slippery during this period, that we miss the point altogether. While it is good to get the whole family together at least once a year, let’s not forget that “Christmas” by definition is not for the family but for Christ! It’s NOT your birthday; (and even if you were born December 25, I doubt the whole world is going all agog because of you).

It’s CHRITS’s mass.

So in the midst of the shopping (which is never enough) and in the midst of the decorations (which are never satisfactory), lets learn to be comfortable with what and who we have.

If the heat of the season starts getting literal, we need to stand back and reset our priorities.  

Let it be the season of //JOY to the world//, not stress to your life.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.

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