For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; – Rom 10:10
Paul tells us in Rom 10:5,6 that there’re 2 types of righteousness: righteousness
by obedience to some set laws, and righteousness by faith. He then proceeds to
point out the superiority of the latter.
The link between faith and righteousness is something many Believers
take for granted. We read the phrase, “righteousness which is by faith” everywhere
in the New Testament and gloss over it like just another churchy phrase.
But our right-standing is really by faith. “The
Just (the righteous, the blameless, the lawful) shall live by his faith”
(Hab 2:4). Trying to do right in order to be righteous is placing the cart
before the horse, and will leave you perpetually seeking after righteousness, (because
every time you fail, you get to start all over again).
The Bible, on the other hand, says for you to obtain right-standing with
God you must place your faith in the Cross. Rom 3:25 aptly summarises this principle:
God sent Christ to be our sacrifice. Christ offered His life’s blood, so
that by faith in Him we could come to God... (CEV)
“Faith” does not take on a new, obscure meaning when it comes to
righteousness; it retains its regular meaning. It means you become righteous by
It is not based on your emotions, on your feeling, or even on the
devil’s opinion, but on faith. This is the way the great heroes of the Bible obtained
their right-standing with God.
We may already be familiar with Abraham being
made righteous by his faith, but long before him, Heb 11: 7 tells us that Noah, also, “received
from God the righteousness that comes by faith.” (GNB)
Indeed, in the summary of their exploits in faith, it says that “through
faith they subdued kingdoms and “worked righteousness...”
(Heb 11:33).
Yes, that’s how they ‘worked it’ back then, but today, it seems we have
it reversed. Beloved, for you to live righteous, you must first BE righteous. It
is your righteousness – imparted unto you by faith – that enables you to live a
holy life, and not the other way round.
More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.
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