Tuesday, June 27, 2017


...What profit should we have, if we pray unto Him?” – Job 21:15

The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 is probably the closest humanity got to self destruction. It pitted the then two superpowers, the U.S. and the USSR, against each other over the instalment of nuclear missiles by the USSR on the island nation of Cuba, right at the doorsteps of the U.S. Through a series of miscalculations, missteps and miscommunications, both nations almost entered an all-out nuclear war where mutual destruction was the only outcome. 

Realising how dangerous non-communication was – even among enemies – both nations established what is now popularly called “the Red Hotline” – a direct communication link between the two world leaders that was to remain open at ALL times whether in peace or war.

Believers, too, in a petty, comical way, do have their seasons of hostility with God. We call it by several names: “backsliding”, “mood phase”, “season of dryness”, “wilderness experience”, etc. In all, it describes a time when the Believer – due to real or imagined issues – is offended at God and/or His people (the church). Of course, God is faithful and though we turn our backs on Him, He never turns His back on us (2Ti 2:13; 1Co 1:9).

Nevertheless, these seasons of isolation are dangerous times. The worst thing a Believer can do to themselves is to decide to stop talking to their Father in prayer. It may be because of an unimaginable loss, growing cynicism, depression, etc.; but whatever the reason is, cutting the line of communication is never the solution.

We do not live in a vacuum; whenever we take that course of action, the Tempter is given free rein to manipulate, harass and torment. Cut off from all spiritual nourishment, the ‘aggrieved” Believer will quickly dry up and become spiritually atrophied.

The Psalms should be our guide. They contain several ‘complaint prayers’ from the upset Psalmist to God. Rather than sit back and sulk, they took their grudges to Him in honest, frank prayers and praise.

Beloved, even 5 minutes of talk during your dry season will do more good than not talking at all. Don’t give the Enemy a chance to cause more destruction, Keep the Line Open.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


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