Thursday, July 27, 2017


For the scripture says, You shall not muzzle the ox that treads out the grain. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward. – 1Ti 5:18

Greetings Beloved,
This week on TWFT, we’ve been looking at the touchy topic of GIVING. Probably because of cultural sentiments, or painful history, the subject of giving and generosity has become a sort of hot potato the average pastor doesn’t want to talk about – or to be seen to stress on; and I believe church-neutral platforms like this provides us a perfect medium to talk freely about it.

Giving, all forms of it, is a scriptural fact. Generosity is assumed of the Believer in the New Testament and is enjoined severally by the Apostolic writers (1Ti 6:17-19; Phm 1:14; Heb 13:16). We’re to give to the weak (Act 20:35), the saints (Rom 12:13;1Co 16:1-3; 2Co 9:12; Heb 6:10), the church (2Cor 8), the needy (Eph 4:28), the widow (1Ti 5:16), to our fellow brother or sister (1Jo 3:17-18)... and to our pastors and leaders.

Admittedly, that last item is the thorniest of the lot. But to leave a pastor without support or to barely sustain them is unscriptural. Sure, there’re fake pastors all round that entered into the ministry for the sake of their belly. It’s not a new thing; they abounded also in the days of the Apostles (Rom 16:18; Tit 1:11; 2Pe 2:13; Jud 1:12). But we mustn’t conclude all under that lot.

Paul tells us how to distinguish those who are rightly worthy of support. In Gal 6:6 (AMP) he says, “Let him who receives instruction in the Word [of God] share all good things with his teacher [contributing to his support]”.

The Good News Bible explains it better, “IF you are being taught the Christian message, you should share all the good things you have with your teacher.” (emphases mine). Fake pastors will fail this criterion.

He repeats this instruction (and qualification) again in 1Tim 5:17, “Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.”

The phrase, “double honour”, means adequate financial support (AMP), double pay (GNB), “ample honorarium” (HCSB-r), double compensation (ISV), etc.

While fake pastors, ‘prophets’ and “Men of God” abound, we mustn’t neglect the scriptural injunction of taking care of our overseers.  

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


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