Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Logical Fallacies: FALSE CAUSE

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools; – Rom 1:22

A “False Cause” fallacy is presuming that a real or perceived relationship between things means that one is the cause of the other. It’s the confusing of Correlation (things happening together or in sequence) with Causation (that one thing actually causes the other to happen).

False Cause fallacies is typically what we should expect from illiterate persons and backward cultures. But incredulously, this fallacy is the basis of a theory that has been thrust to the centre of modern science: Evolution.

Absolutely Everything – from the creation of the Universe, to the formation of the elements, to biodiversity, to even culture and religion – is today explained and viewed through an Evolutionary lens.

In ZOOLOGY, we observe the striking similarity between the chimpanzee and Man; and therefore conclude that they both share a common ancestor.

In CHEMISTRY, we see that Hydrogen and Helium are the lightest elements with 1 and 2 protons per atom respectively. We then notice that lithium, which is slightly heavier, has 3 protons. This goes on and on until we reach the heaviest, Uranium, with 92 protons. Conclusion? All the heavy elements were formed billions of years ago FROM the lighter ones!

In COSMOLOGY, we observe that the material from the Moon’s surface is similar to those found in Hawaii and Iceland; Conclusion? The Moon and Earth were once ONE planet billions of years ago!

These are just three out of numerous False Causes – logical fallacies – that though sound childish, are religiously held on to by eminent scholars. Why? Because the alternative explanation – a Designer – is unacceptable.

When Believers insist that God directly and intelligently created this Universe, we are often scorned and ridiculed as being scientifically illiterate and culturally backward; but few people are aware of the crass fairy-tale nature of the current theories explaining the realty around us.

Let’s not acquiesce to intellectual bullying. Rather than postulate that EVERYTHING came from NOTHING, it’s more intellectually gratifying to hold that “In the beginning Someone (God) created the heaven and the earth”.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


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