But when the fullness
of the time came, God sent forth his Son, – Gal 4:4
I know we say it all the time, but the Bible
doesn’t really say that we can move
God by our Faith, does it? It does say that faith pleases Him (Heb 11:6), and
our Lord was impressed when Gentiles exhibited it (Mt 8:10; 15:28), but to say
that it moves Him is misleading. The
last time I checked, it was the MOUNTAIN
that faith was supposed to move, not God, (Mt 17:20; 21:21).
Stop thinking you’re going to move God with your “audacious” faith.
Before you ever thought of that prayer point, that miracle, that need… before
you even got Born Again, God has already moved and provided it for you. That’s
an implication of the Christmas Story: God was the first to move.
The “Messiah” wasn’t Israel’s idea, it was
God’s. Salvation wasn’t man’s request, it was God’s provision. Adam never asked
for an atoning sacrifice, and you
never needed to tell God you needed deliverance from sin, the solution was made
available before your saw the need.
That big prayer request of yours may require
bold and audacious faith to you, but it isn’t bold and audacious for God. Not
just because He’s Almighty and can do anything; but because, well, He thought
of it first. It’d be absurd if Adam was trying to use faith to make God give
him a wife, when it was God that noticed he needed one.
Beloved, whether it’s a baby or a business,
your marriage or your ministry, etc. know that we’re not trying to get anything
from God, He’s the one offering His gifts to
Even the faith for the miracle is a gift from
Him. When we stop seeing our faith as a way to make God do something, and
instead see it as a key given to us by Him with which we can access all of His
graciously-provided bounties, we’ll stop trying to move Him and move the
mountains instead.
“If God didn't
hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and
exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he
wouldn't gladly and freely do for us?” – Rom 8:32 (MSG)
May the blessings of God be upon you and yours this Christmas, and always.