Friday, September 22, 2017


With God all things are possible. – Mat 19:26

Logical fallacies are flaws in reasoning. They’re used, not necessarily out of ignorance, but out of a devious attempt to sidestep truth and win an argument.

The final sample fallacy charged against us by secular/liberal scholars, but for which they’re guilty of, is Personal Incredulity. This is saying that because one finds something difficult to understand, it’s therefore not true.

A good area where Believers have been lambasted for using this fallacy is in Biological Evolution. When we say we find it hard to believe how, just through random things happening over time, a fish somehow turned into a human being, we’re usually looked upon with some sort of snobbish pity. Like we’re some morons who lack the intricate and special knowledge needed to even begin to grasp how nature works.

However, these same Atheists will tell you that they find it INCREDULOUS that a God somewhere somehow SPOKE this World into existence!

To take it further, they claim we’re expecting too much of them when we ask them to believe that a virgin conceived, that Jesus walked on water, or that He rose from the dead.

However, this is the very “Personal Incredulity” they accuse us of; because that they don’t know HOW these things could happen doesn’t automatically mean these things CANNOT happen.

Here’s the hypocrisy. Millions of dollars are being spent today on research into human Parthenogenesis (female conception without a male); yet when we say it happened in Mary, they say, “Well, we KNOW that’s impossible!”

“Personal Incredulity” – when properly analysed – isn’t really saying, “I can’t believe” but actually “I DON’T want to believe”. It’s a sign of spiritual blindness.

All the fallacies mentioned this week are simply Fallen Man’s attempt to avoid the Truth. Like typical school bullies, they use them to attack Believers in order to hide their own insecurities.

That is why we need to, prayerfully, approach them in love and with understanding; hoping that their eyes be opened to see their need for God: the very same God that loved them and gave His Son to die for their sins.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Logical Fallacies: APPEAL TO EMOTION

 “Argue your case. Get together and decide what to say... For there is no other God but me, a Righteous God and Saviour” – Is 45:21 (NLTse)

An “Appeal to Emotion” fallacy occurs when the speaker is Manipulating an emotional response in place of a valid or compelling argument.

Appeals-to-Emotion include appeals to fear, envy, pity, guilt, etc. However, a valid and reasoned argument may sometimes have an emotional aspect. The fallacy only occurs when emotion is used to obscure or replace REASON.

A good example of this is the Doctrine of Hell.

The core of our evangelism message is an emotional appeal to sinners warning them of  Hell. Yet, there are several ‘Christian’ organisations today that either preach that Hell does not exist, or that Hell is not everlasting. When stripped to its bare essentials, their argument can be reduced to one premise: “How can a loving God punish His creation for eternity?”

While this is nice emotional logic, it ignores the REALITY, both of Man’s wilful rebellion and the deliverance from that Hell provided for in the Cross.

It also ignores the implication of a Sin-infested Universe and presumes to wish away Divine Justice by pulling at God’s ‘heartstrings’. However, reality tells us that any society that bases its justice system on Emotion will collapse.

The Appeal-to-Emotion argument against Hell is nothing more than the world’s effort to stay in sin and snub God’s continued outstretched arm to it.

We, on the other hand, use emotion rightly, by basing it on FACT: ALL have sinned; God took the just punishment of our sins on Himself at the Cross; those who still reject this solution have nothing left but eternal separation from Him.

 “Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men;” (2Co 5:11).

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Logical Fallacies: FALSE CAUSE

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools; – Rom 1:22

A “False Cause” fallacy is presuming that a real or perceived relationship between things means that one is the cause of the other. It’s the confusing of Correlation (things happening together or in sequence) with Causation (that one thing actually causes the other to happen).

False Cause fallacies is typically what we should expect from illiterate persons and backward cultures. But incredulously, this fallacy is the basis of a theory that has been thrust to the centre of modern science: Evolution.

Absolutely Everything – from the creation of the Universe, to the formation of the elements, to biodiversity, to even culture and religion – is today explained and viewed through an Evolutionary lens.

In ZOOLOGY, we observe the striking similarity between the chimpanzee and Man; and therefore conclude that they both share a common ancestor.

In CHEMISTRY, we see that Hydrogen and Helium are the lightest elements with 1 and 2 protons per atom respectively. We then notice that lithium, which is slightly heavier, has 3 protons. This goes on and on until we reach the heaviest, Uranium, with 92 protons. Conclusion? All the heavy elements were formed billions of years ago FROM the lighter ones!

In COSMOLOGY, we observe that the material from the Moon’s surface is similar to those found in Hawaii and Iceland; Conclusion? The Moon and Earth were once ONE planet billions of years ago!

These are just three out of numerous False Causes – logical fallacies – that though sound childish, are religiously held on to by eminent scholars. Why? Because the alternative explanation – a Designer – is unacceptable.

When Believers insist that God directly and intelligently created this Universe, we are often scorned and ridiculed as being scientifically illiterate and culturally backward; but few people are aware of the crass fairy-tale nature of the current theories explaining the realty around us.

Let’s not acquiesce to intellectual bullying. Rather than postulate that EVERYTHING came from NOTHING, it’s more intellectually gratifying to hold that “In the beginning Someone (God) created the heaven and the earth”.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Logical Fallacies: BANDWAGON

God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; – Rom 3:4

In the study of Logical Fallacy, the term BANDWAGON is used for any Appeal to popularity or the fact that many people do something as an attempted form of validation.

Liberal scholars say the flaw in this argument is that the popularity of an idea has absolutely no bearing on its validity. According to them, if it did, then the Earth would have made itself FLAT for most of history to accommodate this popular belief.

First of all, the Earth has not been considered “flat for most of history”. The prophet Isaiah,  2,700 years ago (and 300 years before their revered Aristotle even though of it), declared that the Earth was round (Is 40:22).

Secondly, they are guilty of Bandwagon themselves.

Christians are accused of arrogant bigotry because we insist Jesus is the ONLY way to be saved. They retort that it’s silly of us to presume that the majority of the human population is flat out wrong.

But when Peter warns that if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? (1Pe 4:18); he doesn’t seem to shrink from the reality that majority of humanity are in peril of damnation.
TRUTH is not relative to the consensus of the majority. Indeed, when it comes to godliness, history has shown that the majority have rarely chosen God. That’s why our Lord says in Mat 7:13 that we should “Enter in at the narrow gate: for Wide Is The Gate, and Broad Is The Way, that leads to destruction, and MANY there be who go in there.”
John is most categorical about this, he says “We know that we are of God, and The Whole World lies in wickedness;” (1Jn 5:19).

Therefore, let’s not allow the Enemy’s BANDWAGON fallacy deflate our missionary and evangelical drive to reach out to the ‘majority’ around us who are living in Darkness.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


Monday, September 18, 2017

Confronting the Duplicity of Intellectual Attacks on Christianity

Pilate said unto him, What is truth? – John 18:38

From the very first days after Pentecost, Christianity has always been under attack. Whether it is the full frontal persecution of the Sanhedrin or the subtle corrupting infiltration of Gnostics teachers, the Church has always had to confront contrary forces.

Today, while Christianity confronts militant Islam and communist government policies in Africa and Asia, it’s facing probably its greatest assault ever in the West from a liberal/secular agenda that aims to diminish its influence through academic and legislative persecution and intellectual ridicule. One way they do this is through the alleged “Logical Fallacies” of Christians and the Bible.

A logical fallacy is a flaw in reasoning. It’s usually used in weak or tenuous arguments to deceive the listener. Logical fallacies that have been alleged of Christians, the Church and the Bible include terms like Black or White, Anecdotal,  Appeal to Authority, Strawman, False Cause, Appeal to Emotion, Ambiguity, Burden Of Proof, Special Pleading, Ad Hominem, Personal Incredulity, Slippery Slope, etc.

Christians have over the years tried to refute these allegations. However, it’s sometimes expedient to confront the challengers head on and to point out the duplicities and hypocrisy in their own logic.

Peter tells us in 1Pe 3:14,15 that we should not be afraid when we’re persecuted for righteousness’ sake; instead he says to “sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be READY always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear”.

When we do this, we realise that it’s not Christianity that is antithetical to reason or logic, but the fake and false Lie of sinful, godless men. There’re no relative truths, just one TRUTH; and that holds for whoever has it, regardless of his or her education, belief system or social standing.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


Friday, September 15, 2017

Blessed Assurance

...but have EVERLASTING LIFE, – John 3:16.

By far the most powerful blessing of the most beloved verse of scripture is its affirming promise of Eternal Life to those who believe. This is the sublime beauty of the Gospel message.

All that every other religion in the world offers is a moral code to follow, after which its devotees may hope to receive some reward of sorts on Judgment Day. But this is hardly comforting, because, no person can claim they will be guiltless before a perfectly Holy and all-knowing/All-seeing God. They may be “holy” by man’s standards, but – except they are completely deluded – they can’t claim guiltlessness before God.

That’s why all that religion offers is try, try and try. Try your best and hope for mercy on Judgment Day. What a precarious philosophy to live by; especially considering there’ll be no second chance if one is found wanting (Heb 9:27).

The Christian Gospel, in contrast, uniquely assures the Believer of the certainty of their salvation right now. Our Lord emphasised this fact in two of His 25 VERILY, VERILYs.

Speaking in Jn 5:24, He says, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that hears my word, and believes on him that sent me, HAS everlasting life, and shall NOT come into condemnation; But Is Passed From Death Unto Life.” (see also Jn 6:47).

What a refreshing blessing to have; what an assuring anchor to hold on to. Like Zechariah said in Lk 1:74, this frees the Believer to serve God “without fear;” and accords them “boldness in the day of judgment” (1Jn 4:17).

This is the beauty of the Gospel. This is the Truth that must be heard whenever we go out to evangelise: that God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16).

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.

Thursday, September 14, 2017


...should not PERISH! – Jn 3:16.

During His time on Earth, Jesus spoke so often of the eternal consequences of our Sin. He, much more than any other Bible character, emphasizes the reality of an everlasting Hell; and it's quite interesting that a key affirmation of that doctrine is enmeshed in the most beloved verse of all time.

John 3:16 states that the reason God sent His Son to the world is so that we “should not PERISH”

There’re some who would claim that “perish”  here means ANNIHILATION.

While that may make comfortable reading, it lacks scriptural backing.

The Bible affirms the reality of the perpetual existence of the soul – whether godly or not. Prophesying of the Last Day, Daniel said, “many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. (Dan 12:2). And in Mat 25:46 our Lord, speaking of evildoers, declares that “...these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal”

Jesus did not come to send us to Hell but to save us from it, (Jn 3:16-18); and it's most confounding that today some, instead of receiving this deliverance, would rather argue against Hell’s existence.

I'd rather hold on to God’s Word than risk my eternal destiny on some logical/emotional argument I find on the Internet. The term “eternal” in Mt 25:46 is used of both punishment and life. To deny one is to deny both!

Beloved, God has given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son (1Jn 5:11). Let's chose Him today, for whoever believes on Him, “HAS everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life” (Jn 5:24).

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The Problem with Intellectual Theology

...that WHOSOEVER believeth in him should not PERISH, but have EVERLASTING LIFE. – John 3:16.

A most unfortunate downside of the legacy of the great French reformer John Calvin is his proposal of the doctrine of “Limited Atonement”. Briefly, it states that Christ did not die for all men but only for the (so-called) “Elect”.

As did Luther, Calvin denied that human beings were capable of free will after the Fall of Adam, but he went farther than Luther in elaborating a doctrine of predestination – that certain persons are elected by God to salvation, while others are rejected by him and consigned to eternal damnation.

This is what I call The Problem with Intellectual Theology: when we let our train of thinking take us to extreme conclusions. 200 years, Charles Darwin observed a striking and unmistakeable pattern among the fawns and fauna of the Earth and thus CONCLUDED that they must thus all be descendants of ONE ancestor a long time ago, (Origin of Species, Theory of Evolution). In the same way, Calvin observes that since all who go to heaven were saved by the predestined, eternal plan of God, it’s only natural to CONCLUDE that those who go to Hell were equally predestined for damnation!

However, this flies in the face of multiple references in scripture that shows that God’s not a respecter of persons. Peter said in Act 10:34,35 (GNB) “I now realize that it is true that God treats everyone on the same basis. Those who fear him and do what is right are acceptable to him, no matter what race they belong to.”

And Paul says in Rom 10:12 that “There is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto ALL that call upon him.”

Our Lord affirmed same to Nicodemus in their Midnight Discuss of John 3 when He said “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:  That WHOSOEVER believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:14,15)

There is NO restriction whatsoever to God’s salvation. Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the WORLD (Jn 1:29). There’re room for ALL at the cross.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


Tuesday, September 12, 2017


For GOD so loved the WORLD... – Jn 3:16.

It’s definitely the greatest scandal of all time: “God so loved the world”? The thrice-holy One who is of a purer eye than to behold iniquity love this wicked  world? Even WE are commanded not to love the world (1Jn 2:15). But wait, we ARE the world.

The thieving, scheming, rebelling, hating, slandering and God-defying “world” the Bible talks about is Us! We all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way;” (Rm 3:23; Is 53:6). If God had not made the first move, we’ll all still be doomed to destruction because of sin.

Paul paints it clearly in Rom 5:8, “But God commends his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

It’s a betrayal of gross ignorance for a Believer to look down on a sinner. But for the grace of God, we would all be sinners today. Sure, we may not be a multiple-aborting prostitute or some serial-murdering rapist; but of what comfort is it to be the most decent sinner in Hell? Before God acted, every one of us was headed for damnation; but because the most Holy God did the unthinkable, we have right-standing with Him today.

That’s why John didn’t just say God loved the world, but that God soooo loved the world (emphasis mine). Like Bible commentator Adam Clarke opined, there’s an eternity of        meaning in that little particle “so”. It’s meant to show the extent of God’s love.

For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet perhaps for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commends his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Rom 5:7-8)

Use this moment to meditate on this superfluous, extravagant love the Father had and has for you, and thank Him for your salvation. 

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


Monday, September 11, 2017

The Most Popular Verse in the World

John 3:16 is the most familiar and most widely quoted verse in the Bible. Everyone – from venerable preachers to vocal atheists – seem to have that verse, if nothing else, memorised. As a testament to its memorableness, it’s one of the least variedly translated verses as many English translations try to maintain the traditional KJV rendering.

3:16 is so popular that professional wrestler “Stone Cold” Steve Austin used it as a platform to launch his career, which made him one of the most iconic characters in wresting and made “Austin 3:16” T-Shirts the most bestselling in WWE merchandising history.    

John 3:16 attained its universal acclaim perhaps because it seems to best capture the gospel message in one sentence. Dubbed “the Gospel in a nutshell”, it’s considered a summary of the central theme of Christianity. It tells about the love the Father has for the entire world by sending His only begotten Son to save us from destruction.

What our Lord said to Nicodemus that fateful night has resonated throughout history and has transformed hundreds of millions across the world. Ever-fresh and ever-inspiring, let’s ponder once again on this pivot verse of scripture:

For GOD so loved the WORLD, that he gave his only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believeth in him should not PERISH, but have EVERLASTING LIFE. – John 3:16.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


Friday, September 8, 2017

Another Look At “Bless”

Death and life are in the power of the tongue. – Pro 18:21

The word translated as “bless” in the New Testament is the Greek term eulogeo which basically means “to speak well of”. (It retains this primary meaning in the English derivative verb, “Eulogize”, which also means to praise somebody or something very highly.

On the other hand, one of the terms in the Old Testament for “curse” is the Hebrew qalal, which means “to make light of, trifle, or abate; in other words, “to PUT DOWN”.

These terms have great significance for us because it shows that we are “blessing” or “cursing” our families and circumstances all the time whether we realize it or not. We’re “blessing” when we speak highly of them and are “cursing” when we put them down or speak lightly of them.

If you have a problematic child, your job is not to confirm that fact with your words. You’re instead to speak your desire, not only over but also to that child. As we’ve seen, blessing that child goes beyond saying, “Child, you are blessed”. You bless by Eulogizing or speaking well of them.

Stop cursing your wallet by always saying your money is never enough. Qalal, makes us know that whenever  we belittle what we have, we’re essentially cursing it. That’s why Mark 6:41tells us that when Jesus had nothing but five loaves and two fishes to feed a multitude, He looked up to heaven, and “eulogeo” (the word translated as “bless” in that verse) the paltry meal. That means He “spoke well of it, He praised it, and declared that it was sufficient enough”.

Beloved, let’s stop cursing (putting down) our spouses, children and circumstances. Bless your wife, declare that she’s good enough; Bless your husband, declare that he’s able; bless your circumstances, declare that the conditions have never been more perfect for prosperity.

Whatever it is that you’re dealing with, make it a practice to eulogio and not qalal; always lift up, and never put down. And as you speak – and keep on speaking – all your circumstances will begin to align with your confessions in Jesus’ name.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


Thursday, September 7, 2017

Out of the Abundance of the Heart, the Mouth Leaks!

Let the word of Christ dwell in you RICHLY. – Col 3:16

Contrary to popular perception, speech indicates your faith, and not the other way round.

You can’t deceive your heart. A Believer may outwardly say he’s “strong”; but if in his heart he knows he’s sick, all that churchspeak will amount to nothing.

Our Lord said in Mat 12:34 that, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.”

This shows that people don’t say what is in their hearts; people say what is ABUNDANT in their hearts. To put it another way, (quoting Gloria Copeland), Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth leaks!

If you have doubts, fears and worries in your heart, no matter how churchy you may try to act, it’ll eventually spill out in your words. But if your heart is constantly mulling and meditating on the promises of God to you, no matter how you try to suppress it, it’ll spill out in your words.

2Co 4:13 (BBE) states it clearly, “...our words are the outcome of our faith.”

Have you thought about your speech lately? A good index of your faith level can be found in the things you speak about... and the way you speak about them.

There is a place of verbally confessing scriptures to yourself in order for faith to get into your spirit; however, confession is an exercise, your speech on the other hand, is who you really are.

Beloved, Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; Fill up your heart with God’s Word daily, listen to faith-building preaching, hang around literal believe-ers, etc. and with time, as Paul said to Timothy in 1Ti 4:15, your “profiting” will appear to all around you.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

It’s Not a Magic Spell

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; – Col 3:16

I once found it hard understanding an agitated woman who was telling me that that she saw her enemy being chased in her dream. I felt she must really be a nice woman for showing that much concern for her enemy’s welfare. It took me a while to realise that she was the “enemy” being chased in the dream!

As we established earlier, the power in the words we speak come from God Himself. There is no “Law” or “force” embedded in the fabric of the Universe that automatically brings the words we speak into existence.

The negative things we say come to pass because the Devil exploits those unguarded utterances to wreak havoc in our lives; and in the same vein the positive things we say happen because God is honouring His promise to bring them to pass. There’re no neutral, disembodied “forces” in the Universe!

Understanding this vital truth will stop Believers from being creepy with their confessions. It is not an abomination to tell your boss that you’re “sick”. Paul explicitly stated that he left Trophimus at Miletus SICK; (2Ti 4:20). Some today would have accused Paul of weak faith for using that word. (We forget that, at least among charismatic circles, it’s now semantically pointless to say you’re “strong” when the hearer understands that to mean that you are “sick”).

Confession is not a religious mantra or a magical spell. I’ve seen Believers blow their top at the ATM queue because someone asked if they were the “LAST”. They fume and counter that nobody should ever call them “last”.
Beloved, if you know who you are in Christ, you’ll not be scared of politely telling anybody your position in a queue. Confession isn’t a talisman in your mouth – a kind of “I-Command” juju that automatically creates whatever you utter no matter its semantic meaning; confession is an affirmation of what God says about you in scripture.

We mustn’t let our religious exercise become a bad testimony for the Gospel. People should hear soundness – not weirdness – in our speech.

There’s a place for positive confession. There’s also a place for clarity of thought. God has not given us the spirit of fear (which is actually what those weird word-twisting is all about); but of power, and of love, and of a SOUND MIND. (2Ti 1:7).

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Meditation = Speaking

This book of the law shall not depart out of your MOUTH – Jos 1:8

In Josh 1:8, the LORD stated to Joshua that in order to make his way “prosperous” and in order for him to have “good success”, the Book of the Law was to remain in his mouth.

The Psalmist also echoes a similar command in Ps 1:2 where he predicates all-round prosperity on constant meditation on the Law of God.

It should be noted that God described meditation as a speaking – as opposed to a thinking – exercise. The Law was to remain in Joshua’s “mouth”, not (just) his heart.

The word translated as “meditate” in Josh 1:8, has multiple denotations.  It could mean to murmur, to mutter, to speak, or to roar. Whichever one is meant here, it’s clear it means the word of God is to be voiced out.

Speaking is to the spirit what writing is to the mind. What you write down on paper sticks more to your memory than what you simply listen to. In the same way, what you vocally express has a greater impression in your spirit that what you simply mentally assent to.

Speaking God’s Word gave Joshua the victory, it also made David victorious in all his battles. In the same way, Beloved, your vocalization of God’s word to yourself and to your circumstances is your channel to making your way prosperous and having “good success”.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


Monday, September 4, 2017

Speak, Nothing Happens Until You

Take with you words, and turn to the LORD... – Hos 14:2

Words have power, not just in a figurative way, but in a palpable, literal sense.

Long before the ‘Word of Faith Movement’ ever considered making ‘confessions’ a doctrine, it was already being practiced to full effect by the kingdom of darkness.

Speaking is a hallmark of the ‘Secret’/“Law of Attraction” cult; it is also the primary medium of African fetish animism and even the power of so-called “white” magic relies on the proper enunciation of the right “spell” in order for things to happen.
The underlying rule in all of these practices is that “Nothing Happens Until You Speak!”

These occult practitioners seem to have stolen this principle right out of scripture; because we see it at work right from the very first page of Genesis. Gen 1:2,3 says that, at the beginning, the primordial Earth was formless and chaotic and remained that way until God spoke!

As God spoke – and continued to speak – things started taking shape; order came out of chaos, light out of darkness and beauty out of formlessness.

Now, it’s important to state here that this doesn’t mean God was following a pre-existent principle or “Law”. The Omnipotent Elohim could have just as easily thought the entire Cosmos into existence – all appearing at once and everything would still be perfect.

Speaking was not the ONLY way things could come into existence; but I believe He did it that way to teach us a useful principle; a principle we can apply in the little chaotic mini-verse that each of us lives in. When our perfect world becomes barren, formless and under a “roaring ocean covered with darkness” (Gen 1:2 CEV), let us follow the pattern of our Father in Heaven – and SPEAK light and life to the situation.

Because, as He has shown us from the Creation account, nothing happens until you SPEAK.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.