Monday, September 4, 2017

Speak, Nothing Happens Until You

Take with you words, and turn to the LORD... – Hos 14:2

Words have power, not just in a figurative way, but in a palpable, literal sense.

Long before the ‘Word of Faith Movement’ ever considered making ‘confessions’ a doctrine, it was already being practiced to full effect by the kingdom of darkness.

Speaking is a hallmark of the ‘Secret’/“Law of Attraction” cult; it is also the primary medium of African fetish animism and even the power of so-called “white” magic relies on the proper enunciation of the right “spell” in order for things to happen.
The underlying rule in all of these practices is that “Nothing Happens Until You Speak!”

These occult practitioners seem to have stolen this principle right out of scripture; because we see it at work right from the very first page of Genesis. Gen 1:2,3 says that, at the beginning, the primordial Earth was formless and chaotic and remained that way until God spoke!

As God spoke – and continued to speak – things started taking shape; order came out of chaos, light out of darkness and beauty out of formlessness.

Now, it’s important to state here that this doesn’t mean God was following a pre-existent principle or “Law”. The Omnipotent Elohim could have just as easily thought the entire Cosmos into existence – all appearing at once and everything would still be perfect.

Speaking was not the ONLY way things could come into existence; but I believe He did it that way to teach us a useful principle; a principle we can apply in the little chaotic mini-verse that each of us lives in. When our perfect world becomes barren, formless and under a “roaring ocean covered with darkness” (Gen 1:2 CEV), let us follow the pattern of our Father in Heaven – and SPEAK light and life to the situation.

Because, as He has shown us from the Creation account, nothing happens until you SPEAK.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


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