Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Imitating His Trustfulness

Love never gives up; and its faith, hope, and patience never fail.
 – 1Cor 13:7 (GNB)

If I were Jesus, having spent over three years of my precious lifetime pouring myself into my 12 trusted disciples, I’d be pretty panicky at the prospect of my legacy if on the day of my death one of them betrays me, another denies me and the rest all scamper like scared rats at my arrest. These are the men that are to continue my work? These are supposed to be the pillars of the Church?

All those days and nights of parable preaching, unbelievable signs and miracles, exemplary lifestyle and leadership training... only to be abandoned when it matters most. They scuttled because some temple guards came for me, what’s going to happen when they come for them?

From this angle, we can forgive feminist conspiracy theorists who claim that after the resurrection, it was Mary Magdalene, the one who went seeking for Jesus’ body – not Peter, who had quickly returned back to his fishing – that Jesus commissioned to lead the Church. At least that fits more with the Gospel narrative...

From a human perspective that is.

But Jesus reveals a part of God’s nature that, though difficult to follow, is worth emulating – TRUST. In spite of what the disciples did, He still trusted them with the task of leading the Church, and the fact that we’re Believers today, two millennia later, shows they did a pretty good job of it.

He trusted Abraham, a pagan idol worshiper,
He trusted Moses, a runaway murderer,
He trusted Paul, the chief persecutor of His Church,
He trusted Peter, James and John...
He trusted YOU.

Beloved, we mustn’t be quick to give up on those under our tutelage or leadership: our children, our employees, our members... They mustn’t hold the impression that an axe is hovering over their head, ready to drop at the slightest blunder. Knowing that they have your trust will surely boost their confidence. It doesn’t mean they’ll now be willing to lay down their lives for your cause like the disciples of Jesus did for His, but you’ll certainly be better of for it.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


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