Monday, December 4, 2017

The Infernal Propaganda Machine

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. – 2Ti 3:1

We live in the age of information; the age of Google search engine, of “Facebook Live”... and of FAKE news. The audacity and impact of ‘Fake News’ today is nothing short of overwhelming. It has taken over the entire Internet and hardly a day passes without you receiving a ‘Fake News’ article on WhatsApp or Facebook. From bogus cures for cancer, to unfounded claims of the “7 Black presidents before Obama”, to posts about the deleterious effects of drinking cold water.

And while we’re at that, ‘Bishop Oyedepo’ and Pastors ‘Kumuyi’ and ‘Adeboye’ (with the occasional input from ‘Joyce Meyer’) never cease to send us lurid, salacious revelations and visions of Heaven, Hell, the Rapture, etc. just for you to forward to all of your contacts, lest you be considered a bonafide child of Satan.

‘Fake News’ and its religious cousin, ‘Fake Revelations’, are more than just harmless pranks by people preying on the fear, ignorance and prejudices of others; they’re marks of a demonic spirit of lies and falsehood being unleashed on the world today.

God is a God of Truth, (Dt 32:4; Ps 31:5); Jesus IS Truth and was full of Truth (Jn 14:6; 1:14); and the Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Truth (Jn 14:17). The Devil, on the other hand, is not just a liar but the father of it; Jesus says when the Devil lies, “he speaks his native language” (Jn 8:44 NIV).

Therefore, when someone sits down in his room sending out “evangelism posts and prophecies” in the name of ‘Kumuyi’, expecting you to “share after you type ‘Amen’”, you can tell which spirit is indwelling that person.

Beloved, these are the Last Days of which the Apostle Paul warned about (1Tim 4:1). Many are “giving heed to deceitful spirits, and doctrines of demons” and calling it evangelism. We’re being inundated with lies all over that it’s hard to believe anything anymore; which is actually the object of it all: our Faith.

So, let’s be aware of this infernal propaganda machine, and guard our hearts with all diligence; for out of it (our hearts) are the issues of life. (Pro 4:23).

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


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