Monday, January 22, 2018

Follow the Fire

Why do the nations rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? – Ps 2:1

In Gen 3:15, the LORD prophesied that an offspring of Eve (the Messiah) shall destroy the Serpent. But how can one identify this “seed of the woman” out of the millions and billions of people that eventually descended from Eve? One way of identifying Him is through a method I call, “Following the Fire”.

Using this method, all one needs to do is observe the people group, or family that are suffering the most vicious, recurring attack on their existence.

From the inexplicable barrenness of the biologically unrelated wives of the Patriarchs; to the ordered killing of all Hebrew infant males in Egypt; to the enforced mixed breeding of the Northern Kingdom of Israel with other races by the Assyrians; down to King Herod’s massacre of all boys two years and below in an attempt to get just one child… it’s easy to follow the fire of the attacks of the Serpent to identify where the Messiah will likely emerge from.

This method is also very useful when you want to identify key, most vital doctrines of the Bible. All you have to do is “Follow the Fire” of attacks on scripture. Wherever the attack is focused on, the more likely it contains something fundamental to faith.  

When it comes to the doctrine of the Trinity, for example, the attack is always focused on the Son (how many books against the Holy Spirit have you seen?). When it’s the life of Jesus, the cannonade is generally trained on the Crucifixion. (The Secularists love His parables and the Muslims adore His miraculous life… but say He died and rose again, and the smiles disappear).

“Following the Fire” can be a very fulfilling exercise; because it means the Devil has done all the thematic background study of the Bible for you and has highlighted the “Essential Areas” for you to focus your time on.

So from now, whenever you see a particular verse, Bible character or doctrine attracting an unusual amount of press among people who are clearly not Believers, you know you really need to pause and look at it/them more closely again. Chances are, you’ll discover a treasure trove of revelation that the Enemy is trying to discredit long before you stumbled on it.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.

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