Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Coordinated Chaos

 “What assurance would we have that everyone else would also break into song and do the same thing?” – Ferb (Phineas and Ferb, “Rollercoaster: The Musical”)

As a child, I found the plot development of musicals to be thoroughly mysterious. How do they do it? A character could be talking calmly to another, and all of a sudden, he or she starts singing. And as if that’s not a weird enough thing to do in the middle of a conversation; the other fellow then joins in in this new, never-before-heard-of song. And strangely, their words actually rhyme!

In many musicals, this surrealism goes to another level as the characters take their magically improvised singing into the streets or a busy market and without warning the entire crowd of dozens of people join in in chorus and perfectly synchronised feet dancing, hand clapping and body swinging!

For me, this required more suspension of disbelief than Superman flying faster than a bullet. Reality is just not that coordinated.

… or is it?

Scriptures clearly tell us that, though much of life looks disordered and random, God is still in charge. In Eph 1:11, Paul call Him the “who works all things after the counsel of his own will”. And in Rom 8:28 he most famously declared that “all things work together for good to them that love God.”

The first book of the Bible, Genesis, opens up with God setting the ball of creation rolling and from then onwards, to the very last Book of Revelations, He reminds us that He’s always in charge and in control even in the apparent chaos and madness of things. The contrary experiences of Joseph, Moses, Ruth and the other “Elders” remind us that God’s behind the scenes – making all things work together for the good of those who are working in His will.

Life may be random and even seem pointless for those living outside of Christ, but that’s not your case. There’s always a plan for your life. God’s coordinating all the ‘random’ characters: friends, enemies, family, co-workers, strangers; those who love and cherish you, those who hate you for no reason… everything and everyone to bring about His blessed Purpose in your life.

When you stop seeing your life as a boring soliloquy but as an intricately cast, elaborately produced musical masterpiece directed by God Himself, you’ll lighten the load of worry, pain and disappointment in your mind.

You’ll know, like Joseph, that what they thought for evil will be turned for good (Gen 50:20). You’ll walk with a spring in your steps – maybe even do some unprovoked dance moves now and again.

You’ll Pray, you’ll Laugh… you’ll SING!

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.

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