Tuesday, August 23, 2016


Be not rash with your mouth, and let not your heart be hasty to utter anything before God: for God is in heaven, and you upon earth: therefore let your words be few. – Ecc 5:2 

Every spiritual exercise, whether Bible reading, or fasting, or even evangelism always has the potential of been corrupted by fleshly philosophy. The same is even more so with prayer, especially because it seems to be a common denominator of all religions. And if a believer isn’t careful, they may unconsciously carry human thinking into Biblical prayer.

Prayer is not a thing that we do to make God ‘happy’ with us. Neither are we doing Him a favour by praying.

It may come as a surprise to some that God is not particularly fond of people who pray long, for the sake of praying long. Prayer is not a monologue of a petitioner eloquently rapping out a list of requests. Christian Prayer is fellowship with God. It is, in essence, a dialogue.

Prayer is like a phone conversation. If we’re not careful, we sometimes lose consciousness that there is actually Someone at the other end of the conversation line. There’re long phone conversations, and there’re brief ones. And even as human beings, it doesn’t take long for us to know when a phone call is being extended for the sake of it; (like when the phone company gives people “6 FREE hours from now till midnight).

Our Lord says to people who pray long, for the sake of praying long, that they should not “think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.” (Mt 6:7).

Remember, there’s nothing we’re praying about that God doesn’t know already, (Mt 6:8). There’s a difference between Notification and Discussion. Now a discussion with your creator can drag long as you worship Him, thank Him, bless Him, and express your feelings about the problem...

But thinking of longer and more eloquent ways of saying the same thing while glancing regularly at the clock to see how well you have done will only be making hollow a very hallowed process.

Someone on the other end of the line is actually giving you His full and unreserved attention; it’ll help to actually pay attention to what you’re saying... and how you’re saying it.

When you hold such approach to prayer, you may end up spending more time than you bargained for. Thankfully, unlike your phone conversations, you’re not being billed for the time spent.


More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus

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