Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Now all these things happened unto them for examples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages are come. – 1Co 10:11 

The Bible book of Esther is unique because it’s the only one that doesn’t mention “God” throughout its pages. However, it’s impossible to read through Esther without seeing the hand of God at work at every corner you turn.

Every bad news in Esther turned out to be actually good news for God’s people.

*If Esther wasn’t an orphan, she wouldn’t have been raised by Mordecai, a palace official!

*If Vashti, the Queen had not put the whole womenfolk in peril by her rebuff of the King, there wouldn’t have been a vacancy for Esther.

*If the King had not forgotten to reward Mordecai’s loyalty, there wouldn’t have been anything for Mordecai to take advantage of when he really needed the king’s favour.

*If Haman, the second-in-command of the empire had not hated Mordecai, Mordecai would have remained a lowly palace slave all his life.

*If Haman had not extended his hatred of Mordecai to ALL Jews in the realm, the eventual victory would have just been a family affair. But because all Jews were to be exterminated, all Jews were exonerated and honoured, to the point of non-Jews PRETENDING to be Jews (Est 8:17).

*Indeed, if none of the calamities, sorrows and near-death perils had befallen Mordecai, he wouldn’t have attained the highest rank by any Jew in ancient history – higher than even Daniel ever was!

So, is this why Esther is a book of the Bible? To tell us about the exploits of two Jews in a foreign land?  NO!

Rom 15:4 says For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

Yes, Beloved, Esther was written for you to have hope. I pray, therefore, that Every ‘bad’ news in your life be turned around for good in the name of Jesus. As you yield your pains and disappointments to the Almighty this season, receive supernatural turnarounds in Jesus’ name. 

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.

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