In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God. – Jn 1:1
20 Similarities between Jesus and the Word
1. Both are the Word of God.
The scriptures are the written word (Ex 31:18)
Jesus is the living word (Jn 1:14)
2. Both are eternal (1Pt 1:23 & Heb 13:8)
3. Both came from heaven (Ps 119:89 & Jn 3:13)
4. Both partook of the human and the divine (2Pt 1:20 & 1Tim 3:16)
5. Both are faultless (Pr 30:5 & 1Jn 3:5)
6. Both are sources of life (Heb 4:12 & Jn 14:6)
7. Both are sources of light (Ps 19:130 & Jn 1:4,9)
8. Both are absolute truth (Jn 17:7 & Jn 14:6)
9. Both provide food for the soul (Dt 8:3 & Jn 6:35)
10. Both provide cleansing (Jn 15: 3 & 1Jn 1:9)
11. Both produce fruit (Mt 13:23 & Jn 15:5)
12. Both give peace (Ps 119:165 & Jn 14:27)
13. Both are called wonderful (Ps 119:18 & Is 9:6)
14. Both are called the power of God (Rom 1:16 & 1Cor 1:24)
15. Both are like a sword (Eph 6:17 & Rev 19:15)
16. Both successfully complete their assignments (Is 55:10,11 & Jn
17:4; 19:30)
17. Both must be received for salvation (Jn 8:31,32 & Jn 1:12)
18. Both have been attacked by sinners (Jer 26:7,8 & Jn 10:31)
19. Both have been rejected by sinners (Mk 7:9 & Is 53:3)
20. Both will eventually judge all sinners (Rom 2:12; 3:19 & Jn
The LORD never asks us to try to interface with Him directly through
meditation as some Eastern and New Age religions do. Interacting with God is
never a mystical experience. Christianity never asks people to try to make a
direct contact with God; Christianity instead directs people to the Word. God
and His Word are the same.
What the WORLD calls “meditation” is an exercise of emptying the mind
through repetitious chanting or yogic breathing exercises. But in what the WORD
calls “meditation”, the believer’s mind is to be actively engaged and focussed
on God’s Word.
We don’t seek any “oneness” with the Universe, and we don’t seek to
attain “God-consciousness”. We’re
content to stay with the Word. Because that’s where we find God; that’s where
we find Life.
More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.