God is love, – 1Jn 4:8
One core reason Atheists cite for their antagonism to God is that they
find it totally incomprehensible to believe in a God that would punish anyone
in Hell.
Firstly, one is tempted to wonder how this ostrich-head-in-sand approach
actually solves their ‘God’ problem considering that NOT believing in said God
does not automatically cause Him to cease to exist!
But much more importantly, it is saddening that they do not see the
unfortunate irony of their stand.
2Pe 3:9 tells us “The Lord is... not willing that any should perish,
but that all should come to repentance.” And Jesus made it clear that Hell
was not made for man but “for the devil and his angels” (Mt 25:41)
John tells us that “God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the
world; but that the world through him might be saved” (Jn 3:17).
The punishment for Man’s sins is the Cross. On it, Jesus took all the
consequences of our rebellion against our Creator, (Jn 3:16).
This is why it is unfortunate that these Atheists, God-deniers and
God-haters would allow the Devil to deceive them into eternal perdition by
twisting the image of the very God that has reached out to them in the Person
of Christ.
God is not the problem, God is the solution; God is not out to get us,
on the contrary He’s gone all-out to save us. It’s not a ‘God’ issue, it’s a
‘SIN’ issue. Our sin: our arrogance, obstinacy and pride is what is sending us
to Hell, not God.
If God were a sadistic and wicked being, there'll be absolutely NOTHING
that we can do about it.
But thank God for God, He loves us so much, that He upon Himself the
consequences of our rebellion, so that now we can have eternal fellowship with
More Blessings await you today; you’ll not
miss them in Jesus’ Name.