Monday, May 15, 2017


Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof, – 2Ti 3:5

The 17th century French atheist Voltaire once wrote, “If God made us in His image, we have certainly returned the compliment.”

Think about that; even Apostle Paul pointed out that Mankind has “exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator’!” (Rom 1:25 AMP). Looking at all of the World’s Religions, we see various convenient ‘God’s created by Man and for man.

This man-created ‘God’ is creepily creeping even into Christianity. Because rebellious Man naturally is averse to dealing with things beyond his control and beyond his total comprehension.

This encroachment of (what I call) “God-less” Christianity is not necessarily heretic or demonic per say; it’s just distinguished by its tendency to give God less and less powers and less and less roles to play in our lives.

We now have books, philosophies and theologies on how to find the right spouse, how to grow up a ministry, how to serve the community and indeed, how to succeed in life.

There are “rules”, “steps”, and “laws”; “principles”, “protocols” and “procedures”. Everything you need is at your fingertips and your destiny is, literally, IN YOUR HANDS (heard that phrase lately?) 

This God-lessness that minimises the amount of time you need to spend in prayer, this God-lessness that substitutes casting out demons in the name of Jesus for therapy, this God-lessness that quotes equally from both the sacred scriptures and from secular self-help books... is raising a generation of Believers who may be godly but are not intimate with the God of the Bible.

Who are the losers in this modernised, revisionist form of Christianity? US, and us alone. God’s glory isn’t diminished by our faithlesssness, 2Ti 2:13 says “If we believe not, yet He abides faithful: He cannot deny Himself.”

So, what does your God look like? Is He the Almighty God of the Bible, or something a notch lesser?  “Be zealous therefore”, Jesus says, “and repent.” (Rev 3:19).

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


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