Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Hollow 'Revs'

In his acclaimed work, Living By the Book, Bible professor Howard Hendricks writes of a certain time he overheard one person complaining to another about a teacher they had both just listened to. The complaint was that “He didn’t do a blessed thing but explain the Bible”.

That complaint is revealing of the impression people have of the work of preaching and teaching.

The job of a preacher is not to take a verse of scripture and ‘run away’ with it; or try to make a message out of it through some convoluted, mystico-philosophical extrapolations. The job of a preacher is to draw out the life-giving truths that are already in those words of scripture.

It is unfortunate that some persons of the pulpit feel there legitimacy is threatened if they are not able to whip up some unique twist or bent to a Bible passage. They want to have a reputation as the man or woman of Rev, which is slang for ‘special revelation that no one else has thought of’. A cursory look at the heretics of church history shows us that they all started with this penchant.

I am of the opinion that only someone who isn’t intimate with the Bible will bother to whip up Revs from it. We already need an eternity and a half to exhaust the treasures of God’s Word, why on earth would anyone want something ‘new’. Ps 119:96 says there’s a limit to everything human, but God’s commandment is “exceedingly broad.”

So when a preacher is handed, for example, “John 3:16” as their anchor text, they should, like the Psalmist, cry out, Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law (Ps 119:18). Rather than resort to gimmicks and metal gymnastics, like trying to point out “the philosophical and prophetic significance of the numbers 3, 1 and 6”.

Such fake Revs have a tendency to excite the mind but carry no attendant power to change lives. James, our Lord’s brother and leader of the early Church has a message to such preachers and to US as well:

“Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. – Jas 1:21

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


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