Friday, June 16, 2017


therefore glorify God in your body... – 1Co 6:20

1Co 6:19 tells us clearly that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. God, who used to dwell in the Holy of Holies in the Old Testament temple, now chooses to dwell permanently in our body – warts and all. This sacred and reverential view of the body is unique to biblical Christianity.

It is this understanding of the Body that Paul sought to impress upon the Corinthian Believers, (1Co 3:16; 6:15-16; 2Co 6:16). Your body is not yours, it was bought with a price, and a very high one at that: the Blood of Jesus!

Therefore, we’re meant to take care of it for the Master. Some believers are of the belief that, since this body is destined for destruction and decay, it’s to be used to the extreme.

Firstly, that’s ungodly stewardship. Do we condone air pollution and the dumping of industrial waste into our waterways since “the world and everything in it will be burned up” (2 Peter 3:10 BBE)? No, we don’t.

Secondly, the Body is our earth-suit. It is to us what a spacesuit is to an astronaut. Without it, we can no longer stay on this planet. No matter how anointed, loaded and promising a destiny is, if the body crumbles, that’s the end. Earth has a strict “No Ghosts Allowed” policy.

The Human Body is probably the most complicated machine on Earth, and it deserves more attention than that 300,000-dollar car we’re drooling over.

Neglect of the Body – unhealthy diets, lack of adequate sleep, lack of exercise, etc. – isn’t a sign of spirituality, it’s a sign of lack of understanding. Some Pastors boast of sleeping less than 2 hours a day (... and we still wonder how some churches plunge into chaos from terrible leadership decisions).

We’re supposed to burn on for God, not suffer BURN OUT because of Kingdom work!

Take care of God’s House. It adds quality to your life, it serves as a healthy witness to the world, it blesses your loved ones and – in a direct sense – it glorifies God.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.

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