Thursday, August 24, 2017


Friend, go up higher. – Luk 14:10

Several years ago, my elder sister told me with breathless excitement of a certain section of the famous Lagos Oshodi market that she’d accidentally stumbled upon. She’d been shopping for hours looking for a particular material and then, without knowing how she got there, she broke into this strange place. In her words “I felt like I had entered another market”; because it looked and felt very different from the Oshodi she knew.

It would interest you to know that as at the time she told that story she had lived in Lagos for over 30 years!

Act 10:34 says, “God is no respecter of persons”; He doesn’t reserve some blessings for some “superior” Believers or special “Men of God”; what He’s made available to one, He’s made available to all. The Super-Mega MALL of Grace is open for all of God’s children to shop freely in, but only those who tarry long there have discovered where the good stuff is at.

Many Believers only shop at the entrance, no more than 50 feet from the checkout. But others go deeper, and stay longer. Through experience they have familiarised themselves with the various sections and departments. If ever they need something in the future they don’t linger, wondering if the MALL has it, or spend hours searching for it. They simply go straight for it; because they’d seen it before during one of their frequent visits to the inner parts of the MALL.

That’s why their prayer and study times are more effective. It doesn’t mean God likes them more, it just means they know how to go straight for what they want. Some others spend hours just to get “into the presence of God”, they – veteran shoppers that they are – get into the presence as soon as they kneel down.

Beloved, the riches and wisdom of Christ are inexhaustible. There’s always something more, something new, something deeper. Let’s not be complacent with what little revelation or experience we already have, let’s go higher. It’s only when we tarry long that we’ll discover new light, new graces and new blessings.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


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