Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Fruits not Works

I’ve often met Christians who are angry that Christianity is presented to the world as something Easy. They claim that far from being easy, Christianity is a call to hardship, selflessness and rigour: a taking up of the cross and following Jesus! This doctrinal view places the mechanism of righteousness and godliness on the Believer.

However, Believers are not saved absolutely by faith ALONE and then afterwards left by themselves to live out the Christian life on their own strength. The same passage that says, “WORK OUT your own salvation” also affirms that  “IT IS GOD WHICH WORKS in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure;” (Php 2:12,13).

The Christian life is not “difficult” to live, the Christian life is Impossible to live! Because the absolute perfection upon which God predicates our relationship with Him is not a standard attainable by any form of discipline or regimen. (Only human-formed religions are Difficult but Doable.)

Overemphasising outward works at the expense of a preliminary working of the Holy Spirit will only lead to the crushing of those unable to live up to those standards and false righteousness to those who presume to do.

The New Testament life is only possible because of the inward workings of the Spirit, which then results in effortless outward manifestation. Hence, Paul designates the godly virtues of love, joy, meekness, etc. as “FRUITS” not “WORKS”, (Gal 5:22,23).

The solution to godlessness in the church is not rules and regulations, or thumping on an (endless) list of sins, but a constant emphasising of living in the Spirit.

For it is when we Walk in the Spirit that we shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. (Gal 5:16).

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.

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