Friday, February 23, 2018

Take All!

I have pursued my enemies, and overtaken them: neither did I turn again till they were consumed. – Ps 18:37

David may have been Israel’s greatest king from a spiritual or military standpoint; but in terms of administration and sheer royal majesty, no Israelite king beats Solomon. Only under him did the kingdom of Israel attain the closest thing to ‘world-power’ status, fit almost to rank beside Egypt and Assyria. And in his time, the borders of Israel reached the farthest than at any other time in history – about four times the area they occupy today (“occupied” territory and all). Yet as large as Israel was then, it was still not up to the “Canaan” that God promised to Abraham and his descendants.

This is because the Israelites never really took over all the Land that was given to them. In spite of the fact that the LORD assured them victory in every battle, in spite of the fact that they had seen kingdom after kingdom fall before them, they still did not take over the land completely.

Out of fear, unbelief or just plain old laziness and complacency, each tribe that was allotted Canaanite territory always left some groups unconquered until years later those little remnants became their nightmare; (e.g. the Philistines).

Beloved, we mustn’t settle for less than whatever God has clearly revealed to us. Age, the passage of time and the harsh realities of life can sometimes make us begin to consider the vivid visions and prophecies of earlier years as naive and unrealistic. But taking over lands flowing with milk and honey from Giants – is NOT “realistic”, yet that’s exactly what Canaan was.

Make up your mind today not to live any less than God has made available to you. When you take over your “Canaan” and I take over mine, we would be effectively bringing the Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth. We mustn’t allow temporary successes or relative prosperity make us complacent. Our “Canaan” awaits; Let’s go take it all!

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


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