Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Dignity in Adversity

O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is your victory? – 1Co 15:55

Do Christians experience troubles?

Absolutely. Being a Believer does not automatically mean that your life will become one sweet ride. As a matter of fact, scriptures indicate that your problems may not be in spite of your faith but actually because of it! (Mk 10:30; Jn 16:33, 2Ti 3:12, etc.).

Problems are a common trait of everyone on Earth (Job 14:1). Nevertheless, our response to said problems is what separates us from the world.

Because we are kings on this Earth and because we possess a heavenly citizenship though we live down here (Rev 1:6; Phil 3:20), there should be a level of decorum and decency with the way we face life’s challenges.

If when we receive bad news we scream and shout just like every other person then what testimony do we have to show our neighbours and colleagues? If a doctor’s report instantly turns us morose and grief-stricken, will we now not excuse him/her if we hear them later saying that all these Christians’ “faith” talk is hypocrisy?

In Judges 8:18, when Gideon confronted two Midianite rulers about the identity of some men they had killed earlier, they answered, “They looked like you – every one of them like the son of a king.” (GNB).

Yes, Beloved, even your enemies should be able to observe something dignified about you; something un-common, something royal.

Though adversities may befall us, we’re not like the people of the world; we’re not without hope, without help or without resort.

No matter the news you just received, or your present condition, just know that your God is still on the Throne and everything will yet work out for good.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.

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