Friday, January 11, 2019

Strength of the ‘Woman’

“We’ve observed that when we give the woman the loan, she’ll create a business that’ll feed her children; but when we give the man, he goes out to marry a second wife!” – A.A. Abubakar (Nigerian Philanthropist).

I came up with the ‘YOU Family’ analogy six years ago while trying to explain the importance of the Mind in a seminar for Bible Teachers. Only much later did I realise how apposite the analogy was in explaining the entire  Christian life... and how it eerily mirrors the outside world.

This is especially true for the MIND (the ‘woman’/‘Wife’). Just like her counterpart in real life, she is mostly ignored, subjugated and underdeveloped. However, governments and aid agencies in the world are beginning to realise that the key to any nation’s development lies with the woman. Regardless of billions of aid dollars pumped into a country, as long as the woman is not educated and empowered, no lasting development will be achieved.

The Church should learn from this. There’re thousands of churches everywhere today filled with millions upon millions of Believers yet we don’t seem to see the impact on the wider society. If 120 disciples could revolutionise the entire human history with their exploits, (Acts 2), you’d think 120 million Believers would be more than enough to change this world.

The Church needs to rethink its homiletic philosophy. For too long we have ignored, even demonized, the ‘woman’ (the MIND). This is because it’s more convenient for pastors to deal with the ‘Man’ (the Spirit) than his ‘wife’. The ‘Man’ has no problem with righteousness, prayers, fasting, giving, etc. “The spirit is (ever) willing”, Jesus says (Mt 26:41), it’s the flesh that’s weak!

If you want someone to empty their bank account or sow a “prophetic seed”, you have to PREACH to the ‘Man’ (spirit),not his ‘Wife’ (mind). And make sure she doesn’t interfere with your communication either. That’s why we drown her voice out with things like “DO it NOW, delay is disobedience”, “This is a Prophetic instruction, don’t try to analyse it”, “the things of the Spirit are only spiritually discerned”, etc.

While this approach may get the job done it will have no lasting blessing on the individual. The MIND needs to be persuaded first. Let’s spend time in teachings: sanctification, healing, giving, prayer, righteousness etc. It may take a while to persuade 'her', but the investment will be worth it in the end.  

The pastor will no longer have to SHOUT to make his members believe, or threaten to make them stop sinning, or use manipulative words to make them give...

In fact, just as the world has discovered that building the woman is building the nation, we too will discover that building each individual ‘wife’ will cause lasting positive change in the entire Body of Christ.

(Thanks for the overwhelming feedback this week).
More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.

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