“Neither give place to the devil.” – Eph 4:27.
We are beginning to magnify the devil when:
We spend 3/4 of our prayer time binding demons and witches instead of fellowshipping
with Jesus.
We stock up on books about the Kingdom of darkness but have little or
none concerning the Holy Spirit, the Christian life, the Cross, etc.
During a baby's naming ceremony, we spend the majority of the service
binding every witchcraft, evil eye, black mind, wicked agenda, etc. present; and
not rather in thanksgiving and faithful prophecy.
Upon entering a new place we're only conscious of the demons present, without
acknowledging the angels that we came there with.
We believe deliverance sessions should be dramatic and filled with
confessions of ‘hidden’ things.
We feel the Bible doesn’t say enough about the kingdom of darkness and
how it operates.
We shake our heads at believers who just go to church, pray and read
‘normal’ books totally oblivious of the secret operations of the kingdom of
I know this may not be comfortable reading, but it’s high time believers
realised that the universe does not revolve around the devil. When we allow the
devil and his issues use up our spiritual bandwidths, we’ll not have time to
explore the unfathomable depths of the riches of Christ.
Christ is the centre of the Universe. As we conclude this week’s meditations
on the errors of Satan-fixation, it’s only apt that we end with a passage that speaks
of Christ’s majesty and glory.
Col 1:16-18 ERV
Through his power all things were made: things in heaven and on earth,
seen and not seen – all spiritual
rulers, lords, powers, and authorities. Everything was made through him and for
The Son was there before anything was made. And all things continue
because of him.
He is the head of the body, which is the church. He is the beginning of
everything else. And he is the first among all who will be raised from death.
So in everything he is most important.
More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.
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