Thursday, December 22, 2016

“THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS” (a retelling of the classic)

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the town,
Not a creature was stirring, none uttered a sound.
The children were sleeping, tucked neatly in bed.
The cattle, ruminating, sat still in their shed.

The woman was heavy, her companion weak,
Poor Mary and Joseph had travelled for weeks,
They’d come from the city to small Bethlehem,
With young Mary gravid with the Saviour of men.

They trudged through the village, knocked door after door,
But all inns said “filled-up”, they wouldn’t take more.
Poor Joseph and Mary, had nowhere to turn
So right there in a manger, young Jesus was born.

The heavens tore open, bright lights filled the sky,
And shepherds a-herding looked up to see why.
“They’re Angels!” they shouted, and panicked in fear,
For ‘tis was unusual for God to come near.

“Do fear not, o shepherds”, the angels proclaimed,
“For ‘tis for your persons this vision is aimed.”
“We bring you good tidings of great joy to all:”,
“Your Saviour, Messiah, is born in a stall”.

So singing and jumping, the shepherds they ran,
To worship and honour, their LORD come as man!
And when they had seen Him, they made known abroad
The wonderful tale of Messiah their Lord.

It’s been two millennia, (and sixteen for sure),
But now is your moment to live it once more.
We may not be shepherds, or shearers of wool,
But right in your hand is the ultimate tool

By twitter, or Facebook, or this Whatsapp Group even,
We can tell of the birth of the Master of Heaven.
Do create your own message, or maybe this share:
“Blessed Christmas to everyone, and a Happy New year!!!”


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