This know also, that in the last days
perilous times shall come... – 2Ti 3:1
Believers love to hear about the end times.
They get fascinated with dates, key international events, ‘blood moons’, events
surrounding the nation of Israel, etc. Some authors have latched onto this
hunger for end-time prophecy and made a small fortune (even franchises) from
pointing out the signs to look out for to know if the end has come.
But I believe, we’re missing an obvious,
glaring index of the Last Days, and that is an ungrateful, thankless spirit.
The Apostle Paul, speaking with prophetic authority and clarity to Timothy
says, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For
men shall be ... UNTHANKFUL,” (2Ti 3:1,2).
Ungratefulness is definitely one
characteristic of this generation. This is the most privileged and richest
generation in all of human history, yet the most miserable. The ‘poor’ people
today own things that were inaccessible even to the wealthiest some generations
But this goes more than a lack of an
‘attitude of gratitude’ for the fine things of life; it’s something more
fundamental: it’s the deliberate non-acknowledgement of the Creator.
For example, the wholesale embrace of the
theory of random Evolution and the “Big Bang” as the official, irrefutable and
undeniable explanation for the existence of the entire Universe is symptomatic
of a generation that will go to any extreme, no matter how inane, to do without
acknowledging its Maker.
Rom 1:21 says, “People knew God, but
they did not honour him as God, and they did not thank him. Their ideas were
all useless. There was not one good thought left in their foolish minds.”
So, while others try to calculate the names
of world leaders to see whether they add up to “666”, or debate the implication
of the recent U.N. resolution against
Israel, or even theorise whether ISIS is the prophesied Antichrist; we can just
simply look at the godless, thankless state of the world today and know that
the end is near, “even at the doors” (Mt 24:33).
Nevertheless, we Beloved, though we are in
the world, are not of it. Therefore our lives should be that of gratitude,
thankfulness and worship.
More Blessings await you today; you’ll not
miss them in Jesus’ Name.
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