Wednesday, February 22, 2017


An image was before my eyes... and I heard a voice, saying, – Job 4:16

We often use the phrase, “look who’s talking” to point out hypocrisy in people who are commenting on issues that they’re also guilty of. However, in a rather literal sense, we really need to look at who’s talking at every moment of our lives.

As Believers, it is ill-advised, even dangerous, for us to go to sinners for counsel. The Psalmist categorically declares, “Blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,” (Ps 1:1).

However, we need to know that the “ungodly” here does not necessarily have to refer to some wicked, lecherous, foul-mouthed, pot-smoking shaman somewhere. But “ungodly” simply means “not of God”; and I dare say you will find ‘ungodly’ counsel coming from the least expected places.

A secular psychologist/counsellor is a good example of a sane, educated and well-intended “ungodly” person. As long as they do not share the same Bible-based worldview with you, all of their counsel must be taken with a pinch of salt.

Ungodly counsel can even come from a godly person! After all, who’s best qualified to help the Devil mislead a Believer than one who he or she trusts implicitly? All it takes is a little bit of misinformation, a slice of miscommunication and a little sprinkling of carnality and you have the basic recipe for erroneous counsel. That a counsel is not patently evil or immoral does not automatically make it ‘godly’.

This is why we need always to LOOK WHO’S TALKING.

The incident in Mat 16:13-23 where Simon Peter was inspired by God and Satan almost simultaneously is enough to caution us about counsel we receive from others. Because Jesus was familiar with the voice/tone of the Father He was able to “see” who was talking per time.

Please note that ‘ungodly’ counsel from godly people does not mean they mean you harm or are actually trying to deceive you. We are all finite in our wisdom and even in our inspiration. 1Co 13:9 says, “We know in part, and we prophesy in part”.

Let the word of God and the indwelling Holy Spirit be your voice-checker. And may the Lord keep you and preserve you in all of your decision-making in Jesus’ Name.



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