Jesus loves me, and
I know I love Him...
The most self-assured child is the one who KNOWS they are loved. Teenage
girls who aren’t told how beautiful and precious they are, become vulnerable
when sleek predators begin to dot on them. Young boys who lack a sense of
confidence from their parents eventually fall prey to gangs who make them feel
“part of the team”.
One of the greatest tactics of the Devil is to shield the Believer from
knowledge of how valuable and precious they are in the eyes of God. When Jesus
was baptised by John, the Father testified for all of creation to hear: “THIS
IS MY BELOVED SON, IN WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED;” (Mat 3:17). Note that Jesus had
not done anything as at this time. He had not healed anybody, prayed for
anybody, blessed any child, or evangelised in any town. The reason for the
Father’s love was who Jesus was, not because of what He did.
But immediately after that heavenly approbation, the Devil confronted
Jesus in the wilderness and said, “If you are THE SON OF GOD, command that
these stones be made bread” (Mat 3:17). In this echo of the Father’s words,
the Tempter deviously left out a key word: BELOVED.
It is hard to be dissuaded when you know you are “accepted in the
Beloved”; when the Devil tells you God must be angry with you that is why you’re
going through that difficulty, point him to the Cross. If God loved you enough
to die for you when you were a rank sinner, what makes you think He doesn’t
love you now?
The next time that Old Serpent starts whispering words of doubt in your
ear, sing back to him the words of P. P. Bliss
Jesus loves me, and
I know I love Him;
Love brought Him
down my poor soul to redeem;
Yes, it was love
made Him die on the tree;
Oh, I am certain
that Jesus loves me!
Beloved, “good things happen
to those who know God loves them”. When you are persuaded that God is for
you, not against you in this life, you’ll set yourself up for the greatest
breakthrough of your life. Remember, you’re important to the most important
Person in the Universe; in the final scheme of things, that’s what really
More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.
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