Monday, July 17, 2017


All scripture is given by inspiration of God, – 2Ti 3:16

Do people still believe in the Bible? Is the Bible still relevant today? Hasn’t
Science proven most of the Bible to be wrong?

From the beginning, the Word of God has always been under attack. Indeed, the very first words uttered by Satan were an attack on what God had said (Gen 3:1). Again, his very first words in tempting Jesus in the wilderness was a distortion of what the Father had said to Jesus at the baptism (Mt 3:17; 4:3).

For over 300 years, beginning from the so-called Age of Enlightenment the Bible has suffered an unprecedented level of attack from godless minds who had found (in science and logic) a useful tool to vent their opposition to God and to express their aversion to the unyielding moral demands of scripture.

While history shows us that the Bible has successfully withstood every attack on it, it also shows that it did so with the active cooperation and faith of the Believers that lived in those times. They went all out – even to death – to defend the inerrancy and inspiration of the Word of God.

Unfortunately, today we have a church that’s too wary of criticism and ever too malleable to ‘new’ interpretations of scripture. For fear of being labelled as insular, antiquated or even bigoted, the Church today is beginning to yield to immense external pressure to change the message of the Eternal Word.

In this weird paradox of things, our theologians are beginning to re-see scriptures through the lens of theories proposed by godless scholars who had never knelt been to Calvary. The Sinner now dictates the Sermon.

While we may claim comfort in the fact that we have not subscribed to the madness of wilful infanticide or the ordination of gay ministers, can we honestly claim to be immune?

When we show embarrassment at “some parts of the Bible”, or shy away at the crass incredibility of some Bible stories, or are excessively willing to kowtow to the ‘facts’ of some scientist’s latest discovery instead of the express truth written in scripture, then we are just as guilty as Scripture-Twisters.

Let us stand for the Word of God. Let us look to it and it alone for inspiration; and get to the point where we believe every jot and title written therein.

Let’s be like the man who once said, “I believe the Bible when it says a whale swallowed Jonah; as a matter of fact I’d believe if it said it was Jonah that swallowed the whale; if God said it so, then that’s what happened!”

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


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