Monday, July 24, 2017

The Unutterable G-Word

In today’s secularised society, it’s become the rule never to mention the three-letter word that begins with ‘G’. G-O-D has become the He-who-must-not-be-named when giving your valedictory speech, when writing your science report or when talking about the origins of life.

Christians, too, have their own taboo G-word. It’s the word the pastor has to stay up all night planning on how to broach it. It’s the word the newcomer or ‘Seeker’ must not hear from the pulpit lest he or she gets a wrong opinion of the faith. It’s the word that makes the heart of the congregation jump whenever it’s mentioned...

The G-word is “GIVING”.

It’s not that Believers are intrinsically stingy or not given to Generosity (another G-word), but in today’s economy, Giving is tied to Money, and the Church hasn’t had it great with them shekels.

We can’t shy away from the fact that Money is a real issue in today’s Church, especially for Evangelicals. The news media is awash with images of pastors with lavish lifestyles of 24-Bedroom mansions, rare-collection Rolls-Royces and Private Jets. We never miss the juicy gossips of the latest ‘pastor’ caught fleecing his sheep and carting away with millions under some weird convoluted miracle scheme.

Unfortunately, we project this larger-than-life, selective-coverage media image on every local pastor we meet. Does your pastor (and by that, I mean the person physically in charge of your local assembly) drive a Rolls-Royce?

The Mega-Pastors that hog up all the attention on TV and the Internet do not make up to 1% of Pastors worldwide and statistics show that 90% of American Christians do NOT attend a Mega-Church.

In a sort of paradox, the emergence of Mega-Churches and Celebrity Preachers has made the average pastor afraid of broaching the G-word to his congregation because they will say, “he wants us to give to him”.

However, Generosity is an integral fruit of godliness and is also a demand on the New Testament Believer (Rm 12:13; Hb 13:16; 1Jo 3:17).

Believers are called to GIVE! We mustn’t allow the lifestyle and practice of a few ministers and ministries become an excuse to allow the work of the Kingdom to languish.

Let’s snap ourselves out of this lethargy, and decide within ourselves to GIVE to God and His work.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


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