In the day that you eat thereof you shall surely die. – Gen 2:17
The Bible teaches the truth of Evolution – negative evolution that is.
Contrary to what our biology textbooks tout as irrefutable “fact”, Man and
chimpanzees do NOT have a common ancestor. In Genesis 1, when God was
creating the animals, He spoke to the waters to bring up the fish and the birds
(1:20); He spoke to the ground to bring up all kinds of land animals and
creatures (1:24); but when He wanted to create Man, He spoke to HIMSELF!
Evolution tells us that we were once oafish cave men who are only now getting
better. The Bible teaches that we were made in God’s image and are getting
Even after the Fall, Man was still so intellectually advanced that he
excelled in math, science and art. The Egyptian pyramids were composed of
enormous 20-tonne limestone blocks that were cut to an incredible precision of
plus or minus 1/16th of an inch!
Ancient languages were much more complicated than modern ones! Any
person today who can fluently read Sanskrit (the language of ancient
India) would be considered a genius; yet that was their normal language.
Some ancient languages would alternately write backward and forward: one line
from left to right, and the next line from right to left, all the while using
no paragraphs, and not even spaces between word and sentences! Try asking a
schoolboy to write and read like that today.
Even our bodies are degenerating. A birthday of 200 years today will set
a world record, yet Adam lived up to 930 and was alive to see the
great-grandson of his great-grandson (Enoch)!
From the moment Adam sinned, our spirits became dead, our mental
faculties began spiralling downwards and our bodies began to deteriorate.
That’s why we need the Last Adam, Jesus. In Christ our spirits are recreated,
are minds are renewed and at His return, we’ll inherit new bodies that will
live forever.
For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. (1Co 15:22) Halleluyah!
More Blessings await you today; you’ll not
miss them in Jesus’ Name.
Expository, God bless you Sir.