What’s the price of
a pet canary? Some loose change, right? And God cares what happens to it even
more than you do. – Mat 10:29
Secularists often derogatorily accuse Christians of invoking The-God-of-the-Gaps
in any physical phenomenon currently unexplained by science. That is, if there’s
a gap in current scientific knowledge on how something works, then that
proves only God could have done it.
Of course, they relish having this ‘God’ because, for every new scientific
discovery that explains how certain things work, the “gap” keeps shrinking
until someday (theoretically) there’ll be no room to claim God did anything.
But God is God, both of the mysterious and of the mundane, He’s in
charge both of the creation of life and of the life of creation... He’s more a
God-of-the-haps than of the gaps.
The KJV’s rendition of Ruth 2:3 says when Ruth decided to go look for
grain, “her HAP was to light on a part of the field belonging unto Boaz.”
This chance, seemingly unplanned act of Ruth in wandering into the field
of a wealthy kinsman is what set the wheels of her destiny in motion.
Rom 8:28 makes us know that, for the Believer, “Nothing Just happens”;
ALL things constantly work together for good. Your destiny’s not at the mercy
of random, arbitrary happenstances, it’s in the hands of the “God of the Haps”.
> the God that made the
Shunammite woman approach the king of Israel just as Gehazi was talking
favourably about her to him, (2Ki 8:5).
> the God that made King
Xerxes lose sleep and inquire to see the royal archives, which just happened
to contain the acts of Mordecai, (Est 6:1-2).
> the God that sent Joseph
ahead of his family into Egypt to preserve them from extinction (Gen 50:20).
> the God that trained Moses in Pharaoh’s palace for 40 years in
preparation for his calling (Act 7:22).
Beloved, God’s thoughts towards you are good and not evil. He has a
glorious, exciting future outlined; all you need to do is have the faith to
hand over the reins of control and trust Him every day to bring about His plan
for your life.
More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.
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