Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Confronting Hell’s PR

And when they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, except Jesus only. – Mat 17:8

Satan has a thriving and effective PR department; its purpose is not to represent the Devil in the world, but to re-present him to the world; to give him a new look, a new persona, a facelift of sorts.

Image is everything to the Devil. He may be completely defeated and vanquished, but like his daughter, Jezebel, who chose to put makeup on even as her executioner approached (2Ki 9:30), his appearance is important to him.

Every year, his Dept of Information, (under the auspices of the Ministry of Infernal Affairs), keeps rolling out books, movies, visions, prophecies, messages, etc. that give their own version and side of spiritual reality.

This is why a distinguishing feature of Hell-inspired testimonies is the portrayal of immense power of demons over believers. After listening to a so-called “deliverance” confession, you feel more vulnerable than ever before; all of a sudden you now see demons everywhere; and every man of God that doesn’t mention Hell does so because he gets his powers from there. (Paul, the handkerchief miracle worker of Acts 19:12, obviously falls into this category).  

Deliverance testimonies now do to us what documentaries from “declassified” or “leaked” documents of the U.S. Pentagon are meant to do to the Russians: scare them into non-confrontation.
“We have you surrounded”, “We have so many spy satellites we need satellites to keep track of them”, we almost nuked you 20 years ago and changed our mind – but were too lazy to dismantle the rig”...

When Hell PR’s in charge of a testimony, little mention is made of the host of angels around a Believer; out of sight will be the overwhelming power of Resurrection on the Christian; up front and centre rather will be sophisticated demonic operations, complex rituals, terrible sprites and amazing creatures.

Beloved, it’s high time we weighed testimonies, visions and prophecies based on the edifying value of their content. They all must be about, centred on, and focused on Christ and His finished work on the Cross. Because as Rev 19:10 tells us, “the testimony of Jesus IS the spirit of prophecy.”

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


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