Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Shooting the Messenger: John and His Odd Gospel

This disciple was an eyewitness of these things and wrote them down... – John 21:24 (GW)

The Apostle John is responsible for 5 New Testament books – his Gospel, 3 epistles and the Apocalypse (book of Revelation).  Evidently the youngest of the Twelve, he was dear to Jesus’ heart, and to ours – apparently. We call him “the Beloved Disciple” or simply “John the Beloved”.  “John” is also the second most popular name in Christendom, and in 1923, a whopping 5% of all babies born in the U.S. were named “John”!

Critics of Christianity, however, do not share this sentimental, romanticised view of John. His Gospel is so loathed that it’s mostly dismissed as a source document in academic quests for the historical Jesus. This is quite revealing considering that John provides us with rich historical information about Jesus and 1st century Palestine that the other Gospels do not. For example, it’s because of John –and only John – that we know Jesus’ ministry lasted for at least 3 years.

The Gospel of John is unique in its clear portrayal of the divinity of Christ, its strong emphasis on the availability of eternal life and security to Believers, here and now, and its extended passages on the Person of the Holy Spirit.

By Following the Fire you can see from the above why the world would try to discredit him. They would rather have us see Jesus as a charismatic Rabbi who was prosecuted by the authorities for his radical, revolutionary “Kingdom” message than as God come in human flesh to die for man’s sins.

To their chagrin, John’s Gospel contains no parables, few kingdom teachings and no pronouncement stories. They want us to see a Jesus who was executed for preaching universal love, John shows us a Jesus who could not be arrested by armed soldiers but willingly laid down His life for the Sheep. They wanted another great Teacher, John gives them the only Way!

This is why he’s hated. Uncomfortable with the Message, they decide to shoot the Messenger. But John’s Gospel is only odious to those who hate the Truth; for us who believe, however, he provides us comfort, hope and eternal assurance (Jn 3:19-20; 5:24).

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.

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