Thursday, February 1, 2018

What’s Inside Will Come Out

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; – Col 3:16

Sudden challenges or loss is a fact of life in this fallen world of ours; and it sometimes happens even to God’s children. What distinguishes Believers from others is not the absence of contrary circumstances but our reactions to such eventualities. This is why we should heed Paul’s admonition to let the word of Christ dwell in us “richly”; because, in the event of unexpected sharp turns of life, what’s in you will come out.

Martha, the sister of Lazarus in John 11, deserves some commendation in this regard. We may not know much about her spiritual life, but the way she spoke to Jesus, when He came four days after Lazarus’ death, grants us salient insights into her belief system and life philosophy:

·         “But I KNOW, that even now, whatsoever you will ask of God, God will give it to you.”
·         “I KNOW that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day.”
·         “Yes, Lord: I BELIEVE that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who should come into the world” (John 11:22-27).

We may have stereotyped Martha as a carnal, fussy homemaker, but the above statements are indicative of a spirituality that was above average for a Jew in those days (probably at par with Apostle Peter’s at that time). It may not have been ideal (she didn’t know Jesus’ miraculous power extended to healing decomposing bodies) but it lacked the bitter, hopeless faithlessness that we unfortunately see among some Believers who experience loss in one form or the other.

What people say in the moment of crisis says a lot about what they actually believe. But being full of the word of God will give you a perspective beyond human reasoning that doesn’t just help you cope but also helps you see your way out of the problem.

The reactions at moments of crisis by David, the Virgin Mary, Paul, Peter etc. hints to us that seemingly random miracles and blessings are not random at all; they’re outward reflections of what’s been brewing deep in the hearts and minds of the beneficiaries.

So soak yourself into the Word, dearly Beloved, “Meditate upon these things; give yourself wholly to them; that your progress may APPEAR to all.” (1Ti 4:15)

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.

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