Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Accidental Incidental Music

“You think it’s just a coincidence how they score flicks?
A violin will turn a happy scene sad quick”
– Bizzle (rapper), “Unjust Scales”

The soundtrack is a vital element of any movie. Without it, even billion-dollar box office hits like Avatar and Jurassic World would be total flops. “Soundtrack” here does not refer to the songs sung in the movie, (only one out of the top-5 highest-grossing movies of all time can boast of even a nomination for “best original song”). By “soundtrack” I mean the instrumental musical themes and background music of the film, as opposed to the dialogue and songs. It’s also known as incidental music.

It’s amazing how many watch movies without being acutely aware that their impression of a dialogue, an action, or even just a view is being influenced by the sound playing at the background. Even more incredible is the number of people who go through life unaware of the soundtrack playing in their life movie.

Have you ever woken up feeling terrible about the coming day? Before you start quoting scriptures or binding demons, ponder on what’s been playing in your background.

What’s the mood in your home, your office, your church? Are you predominantly living in an atmosphere of hope and faith? Or is it of strife and competition? The interesting thing is, you may not even be the object of those sentiments, but they’ll surely still influence you.

Movie soundtracks may be called “incidental” (i.e. “accompanying”) music, but there’s nothing incidental (accidental) about them. No soundtrack you hear in a movie is there by accident. Each score is timed to begin and end at specific points during the film in order to enhance the dramatic narrative and the emotional impact of the scene in question.

Similarly, Pro 4:23, says you should “Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” That implies that you must consciously control the atmosphere and overall mood of your life. You may even (just like the prophet Elisha in 2 Ki 3:15) need to go as far as changing the literal soundtrack (constantly playing music) you keep hearing around you.

So, “Be careful, then, how you listen;” and “Pay attention to what you hear!” (Mark 4:24; Lk 8:18 GNB).

And if it’s not in accordance with the overall theme of your life, change it.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.

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