Monday, July 16, 2018

Water-From-A-Rock Miracle

...and brought forth water for them out of the rock for their thirst, – Neh 9:15

Most, if not all, of us are familiar with the miracle of water coming out of the rock for the children of Israel during their wanderings in the wilderness.

The LORD had just previously rained down miracle food from heaven to feed the Israelites due to their complaint to Moses about hunger. The complaint now was about thirst, and they were threatening to stone Moses because of it.

In response, the LORD told Moses to strike the rock; and when Moses did, water came out for the people. Like I said, we all know the story.

But what did it mean that water “poured out from the rock?”

I’ve seen a few rocks in my lifetime; some of them quite iconic; and, yes, there’re spots that were always wet with water. You can tell them by the characteristic green mouldiness of the algae that always hang around there.

This is not that type of “water-from-the-rock”.

There’re also several places on Earth where water literally gushes out of rocks. Like “Twin Falls” in Rock Island State Park, Tennessee, an underground waterfall in Luxembourg, and another amazing waterfall in Sang Chan, Thailand.

But these aren’t Moses’ type of “water-from-the-rock”; because the “waters” aren’t coming from these rocks, they’re just gushing through them.

Moses’ rock was in the dry Sinai Peninsula desert; there weren’t water sources behind them. Furthermore, we often imagine the water from the rock as something like water from a gushing fountain. But considering that a rough estimate of the number of Israelites that left Egypt was about 3 million, (apart from the cattle’s that they mentioned needed water as well), any water that can satisfy them has to be of the order of a flood in the wilderness!

Think about that. That’ll be a miracle if it happened at the beach. Yet it happened in a dry wilderness. No wonder the Psalmists kept repeating it over and over again (Ps 78:15-16; 105:41; 107:35; 114:8).

Beloved, don’t place a limit on what God can do in your life. If He could overwhelm those grouchy, complaining and ungrateful Israelites in the wilderness, I believe He can do even much more for you, His Beloved.
More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.

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