But these are written,
that you might believe. – John 20:31
It may sounds strange, even oxymoronic to even
try to talk about Believers who doubt. How can we say that they doubt when they’re
supposed to be Believe-ers?
But the real fact of life is, every Believer goes,
has gone, or will eventually go through seasons of doubt. Any sufficiently old
Believer who claims they have never doubted for one second, either isn’t growing
in the faith or is deliberately downplaying it.
To “DOUBT” is to “to suspect that somebody is not sincere or trustworthy, or that
something is not true, likely, or genuine”. In our context, “Doubt” is any form of uncertainty regarding the nature
and person of God, and/or His Word (i.e. the Bible) and also the nature of our
relationship with Him”.
Perhaps one of the reasons Believers fear to
acknowledge their doubts is because they equate doubt with sin. Doubt does not
automatically come from a sinful, rebellious heart but can be the product of
insufficient, limited or even contradicting information.
When the resurrected Christ appeared to Thomas,
(the “Patron Saint” of all doubters), He didn’t say, “I forgive you for doubting”. No! Instead Jesus gave Thomas
additional information to help his faith.
While there’re clear blessings and advantages
attached to those who believed without seeing Christ’s scars, Jesus still made
an effort to reach out to Thomas at Thomas’ faith level.
Are you going through doubt due to some
theological, ideological, or emotional issues? Be comforted and do not allow
the Devil exploit that to his own end; God still loves you and is willing to
reach you at whatever level of faith you’re currently at.
More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.
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