Tuesday, July 19, 2016

HAIL MARY (Part 2)
Greetings Brethren,
Yesterday we saw how Satan has effectively smeared the reputation of Mary, the biological mother of Jesus by making her an object of worship and veneration. As a result of this, Protestants, for fear of falling into the same error, have unwittingly made her the she-who-must-not-be-named character of the Bible.

However, that approach will only be playing into the devil’s hands. Mary was, and still is, one of the most remarkable persons who ever lived. We have nothing to gain by dismissing her achievement as ‘nothing wonderful’; anyone whom God can risk His entire salvation plan with has to have SOMETHING special.

Yet “there is no respect of persons with God” (Rom 2:11). Mary was as much a person like anyone of us. Mothering the saviour was her destiny; you and I have ours. So it’ll be profitable for us if we study her life and see the attributes she possessed that saw her through fulfilling her extremely unique assignment.
We’ll restrict ourselves to the first 2 attributes today, beginning with the most obvious of them all:

Well, she’s not called “VIRGIN Mary” for nothing.
However, this purity is only an outward reflection of her inward heart. While we know that virginity is a key factor in the Messiah’s maternity, it wasn’t ONLY her virginity that made her to be chosen. We sometimes forget that the average unmarried teenage Jewish girl back then in 1st century Palestine would been a virgin, including the sinful ones. So it was not the culture-imposed chastity that qualified her but the purity in her heart that reflected on the outside.

This is one area the BVM really stands out. It is hard to underestimate the level of faith required to accept to be/do what has never ever been done by any person in all of human history. This is more than raising the dead, this is bringing out life from nothing. It’ll be difficult to imagine how you would react if you were Mary; difficult because you ALREADY know now that it is possible.

So, what is your own God-given vision? Do you still doubt that it can come to pass? Mary had NO previous testimony to rely on, no example to hold unto, etc. Yet she believed.
If Mary could, you, too, can. “For with God nothing shall be impossible” (Lk 1:37).

And it’s not just the miraculous conception that Mary needed faith for. It takes faith to believe that of all the (seemingly better and more qualified) females on earth, God had decided to choose her.
Many of us are quick to disqualify ourselves when God calls. Mary could have complained that she was too weak, too timid, too rural, not living in Bethlehem, already engaged to a man, not the best mother-material, have poor communication skills, not educated, etc.

She didn’t. Instead her response was, “I am the Lord’s servant! Let it happen as you have said.” Lk 1:38 (CEV).
If you were God, isn’t that the kind of person you would want to use?

Where is your faith? God is looking for that simple “YES SIR”/”OK SIR” kind of faith. Not the “Yeah, BUT”/”I Believe, BUT” type.

Heb. 11:6 says without faith it is impossible to PLEASE God. And in Luke 1:30 (ERV), The angel said to her, “Don't be afraid, Mary, because God is VERY PLEASED with you”.

Brothers and Sisters, FAITH endears us to God and brings about His blessings in every area of our life.

“And blessed is she that BELIEVED: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord”, (Luke 1:45).

More Blessings Await you today, you’ll not miss them in Jesus Name.


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