Wednesday, July 20, 2016

HAIL MARY (Part 3)
Greetings Brethren,
Today we’re continuing from our study of the attributes that enabled Mary, the biological mother of Jesus to fulfil her ministry excellently.
Yesterday we saw that the faith in Mary was a strong factor in why God would choose her over others. Well, here’s another one:

If Mary hadn’t gone to visit Elizabeth we probably wouldn’t have known the kind of person she was in her heart.  Take a while to read her response to Elizabeth’s salutation in (Luke 1:46-55); it’s quite revealing. Her response was one long monologue of praise, prophecy, history and psalmody.

Those are not the words of a teenage girl who only reads Psalm 23 and “the Lord’s Prayer’ twice a day. Recall that this was a spontaneous response; those things were already in her mind all these while. It shows that though she was surprised that the Angel Gabriel appeared to HER (and not to anyone else), she wasn’t surprised at WHAT he was talking about in Lk 1:30-33. She knew exactly who the ‘MESSIAH’ was and what His mission was to be. She and God were on the same page on that one.

She didn’t reply Gabriel, “Oh sir, I know you’re from God and all, and I really don’t want to be rude or anything, but... WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?"

No! She had been thinking about this all the while; and when she said, “be it unto me according to your word” she knew exactly what that implied.

Brethren, the vocabulary that God uses to speak to us is His written word. There is no prophecy, no ‘word of knowledge’, no ‘rhema’ or ‘revelation’, etc. that will come to us that would be alien to what is ALREADY in the Bible. So, if we’re not scripturally literate, His words to our spirit will either be unintelligible or will be limited in the amount of information they carries.

Her feat is all the more remarkable when we remind ourselves that this was a teenage girl talking here.

Mary was a woman of faith, she was also a woman of the word.

We’ll continue on these thoughts tomorrow.
More Blessings Await you today, you’ll not miss them in Jesus Name.


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