Tuesday, November 22, 2016


By faith Rahab the prostitute escaped the destruction of the disobedient, because she welcomed the spies in peace. – Heb 11:31 (NET).

People say that Opportunity only knocks once. The truth is, some life-changing miracles do not even knock at all!

The Sun didn’t rise from the west the day that Rahab met the two Israelite spies. The birds weren’t particularly cheerful, neither did the flowers ‘sing’ to indicate that that day was going to end with eternity-altering drama.

But from the way she reacted when the two Israelite spies walked into her house, it was clear she was well ahead of them in preparation. Evidently, Rahab was not your typical harlot, and her words help us see how she was prepared in advance.

 “I know the LORD will give you this land... We've heard how the LORD dried up the water of the Red Sea in front of you when you left Egypt.... When we heard about it, we lost heart... Josh. 2:9-11 (GW)

Rahab had evidently been hearing a lot about the exploits of the Israelites right from the parting of the Red Sea. For 40 years she had been hearing and thinking about it. And one day, against all odds, the people she had been hearing and thinking about walked into her room!

What You Continually Meditate On Will Eventually ‘Present’ Itself To You.

A man who is always thinking of adultery will get the opportunity one day; and a ‘Saul’ who is always thinking of a kingdom (even though Israel never had a king) will meet a ‘Samuel’ one day  (1Sam 9:15-19).

The way Rahab that responded when she met the spies, you’d think they gave her advance notice of their coming. She was concise, explicit and direct with her demand: she wanted to be part of the “commonwealth of Israel”.

Beloved, the miracle you keep thinking (meditating) and hearing (testimonies, messages, etc.) about will one day ‘present’ itself to you.

Will it meet you speechless, unprepared and confused? Or will it meet you like Rahab: ever ready to take hold of the opportunity as soon as it shows itself.

May the latter be your portion in Jesus’ name.

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