Tuesday, November 29, 2016


In speaking of a “new” covenant, he has made the first one obsolete, and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear. – Heb 8:13 (ISV)

In the English Bible, the word “covenant” and “testament” are both translated from the same Greek word (diatheke). When our Lord called His blood, the “blood of the new testament” (Mt 26:28), He wasn’t referring to the Books of Matthew to Revelation. He was talking about the new covenant God was about to make with mankind.

Similarly, when the Bible uses the phrase, “Old Testament” it is not referring to the books of Genesis to Malachi but to the covenant Jehovah made with the Israelites on Mount Sinai.

These 2 testaments are polar opposites of each other, and a clear understanding of their differences is vital if a Believer is to live victoriously.

The Old Testament paradigm can be summarised in one sentence: “If you do your part, then God will do His part”. (Dt 11:13, 15:5, 28:1; Ex 15:26; Lv 26:3-13). While the “New Testament”, can be summarised as: “If you believe God has done your part then God will do His part”. (Act 16:31).

This difference is so subtle, that a Believer can be living under the New Covenant but operating under the Old paradigm. In the Old, they DO IN ORDER TO GET. In the New, we DO BECAUSE HAVE ALREADY GOTTEN. 

Take eternal life, for example. In Lk 10:25-28, a man asked Jesus, what he should do to “inherit eternal life” In response our Lord told him to do what was in the law: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind...”

This, of course, is impossible. You can claim to love the Lord, but “with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind”? How long you you even keep that perfect love up?

However, under the New Covenant, when the Philippian jailer asked, “what must I do to be saved?” Paul replied, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved,” (Act 16:30,31).

The key phrase there is “Jesus Christ”; He’s the only one who can, – and who actually did – love the LORD with all His heart, and soul, and strength, and mind”.

This is the principle on which every other blessing in the New Covenant is received. We believe that God’s highest requirements have been met COMPLETELY by Jesus on our behalf, and therefore receive the attendant blessing by faith.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


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