Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Bad Miracles and Good Problems

But solid food belongs to them that... have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil – Heb 5:14.

Here’s an uncomfortable truth: You can be promoted OUT of your place of favour. If a Believer is to live a purposeful, Spirit-led life, He or she must know that not every GOOD they see is automatically GOD.

Take Joseph in Egypt, for example. Though as a slave he remained faithful to whoever his master was, his heart desire was to go back home to his father. And when he got the opportunity, (an audience with a high-ranking palace official), he begged that a word in his favour be put to the Pharaoh for him, (Gen 40:12-14). But he never go his ‘miracle’.

He was looking forward to embracing his father once again; he must have imagined how he would give his ‘testimony’ in church. Yes! They would have a thanksgiving. His aged father with his long flowing robe would lead the thanksgiving procession; there would be singing, dancing and clapping: the beloved son that was sold as a slave was miraculously freed; God has done it...

NO! God had NOT done it. If Joseph had been freed by Pharaoh it would have been Joseph’s scheming, not God’s intervention. But thank God Joseph was a true son of destiny. Because God had great plans for him, he REMAINED in prison for another two full years!

Ps 105:18,19 states that they  hurt Joseph’s feet with fetters and laid him in irons... Until the time that his word came. Beloved, when the ‘Word’ of your glory comes, may it find where you’re supposed to be.

Note that it wasn’t wrong of Joseph to seek freedom from the prison; neither is it wrong for you to look for promotion in your workplace, or vie for a bigger position, or struggle to get a more comfortable life for you and your family. But the point is to always defer to God’s will. Let God have the final say.

If the job comes, it’s good; if it doesn’t come, it’s still good.
If she says “YES”, it’s good; if she breaks your heart, it’s still good.
If the visa application is approved, it’s good; if it’s denied, it’s still good.
If the healing comes, it’s good; if it tarries, it’s still good...

As long as you’re a child of God, you must live with the complete knowledge that EVERYTHING is working together for good, (Rom 8:28). Don’t panic, don’t fret; YOUR STORY WILL END IN GLORY.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.

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