Thursday, March 9, 2017


But the righteousness which is of faith speaks thus... – Rom 10:6

The church today is all-abuzz about faith. People are “believing God” for healing, cars, promotion, houses and ‘the good life’. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with that; but it should be noted that the original Believers concentrated all their faith on righteousness and not on things. In other words, they Believed to be Righteous, not to be Rich!

Which was a rather smart move. Because Jesus said “Seek you first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Mt 6:33). When you have the ‘righteousness’ issue settled, every other thing will be a walkover. However, we see today, Christians exerting much spiritual energy on ephemera.

Paradoxically, not only is the confession of righteousness the very last thing they would do, it’s also something they frown upon.

*If you’re sick, they would tell you to confess that you’re healed,
*If you’re broke, you’ll be asked to declare yourself rich,
*When everything around you is falling apart, they’ll forbid you from declaring what you see; instead, you’re advised to “say what you want to see”.

Yet for some reason, we find it odd to declare, at the very point of our moral failures, that we’re the righteous of God in Christ.

It may sound like hypocrisy, but that’s only if you’re saying it to others. However, when it’s a declaration to yourself, it becomes an affirmation of who you are; when you, as a Born Again Believer confess that you’re righteous in Christ, you’re declaring the incongruity between your true nature and your actions.

It’s not because you’re claiming you did no wrong, It’s because you’re confessing what you want to see in our life.

Righteous people don’t lust, Righteous people don’t lie, Righteous people don’t harbour anger and hate. When you keep confessing your righteousness in Christ Jesus, you’re reminding yourself of who you really are.

Words have power, and the word of God even more so. The same power that transforms your body as you keep confessing health, that transforms your finances as you keep confessing abundance, etc. that same power is more than available to empower you to live above every besetting sin as you keep confessing your right-standing with God.

Keep saying it, yes it may get the devil irritated, but therein lies your victory.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


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