Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Assurance In The Darkness

When darkness seems to hide His face…

It seems to be an unwritten rule in the life of every young Believer that there comes a time when they begin to doubt the certainty of their salvation. Indeed, it is a testament to the universality of this dark phase of our spiritual walk that many hymnbooks have a section devoted to addressing it. (In the popular SS&S hymnal, the section is called “Assurance and Testimony”, others call it Assurance of Salvation, still others simply “Assurance”).

The key to surviving this season of spiritual darkness and holy anxiety is to look, not to yourself, but to the basis of your salvation in the first place.

Edward Mote, in the 2nd stanza of his hymn, “My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less”, says

When darkness seems to hide His face,
I rest on His unchanging grace.

The assurance of our salvation comes from the constancy of God’s favorable countenance towards us. The reason why we’re not consumed, the LORD says in Mal 3:6 says, is because He does not change! God’s not a fickle benefactor; neither are His emotions capricious and unpredictable.

Are you going through a dark season this moment? Are you worried God’s gift of salvation still remains? James 1:17 says, Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father... He is always the same and never makes dark shadows by changing (CEV).

No ship anchors itself to itself. The anchor of your salvation must reside in the One who saved you. Like the Psalmist, when your heart is overwhelmed, you must go to the rock that is higher than you. (Ps 61:2).

That rock is His word and His promise to you. He says, “I will NEVER leave you, nor forsake you”, and says, “Lo, I am with you ALWAYS, even unto the end of the world”. (Hb 13:5; Mt 28:20).

…In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil.

‘On Christ the solid Rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand.’


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