Thursday, November 16, 2017

Platinum Incredulity

All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. – Joh 1:3

It was billed, “The greatest fireworks show in the universe”. The major News Media outlets earlier this week were all agog about the announcement by scientists of the observation of the collision of two neutron stars far, far away.

Neutron stars are special stars that are unique because of their density – as dense as all the matter of Mount Everest packed into a teaspoon. And when neutron stars slam together, all kinds of things burst out: gamma rays, X-rays, radio waves – and apparently, GOLD and PLATINUM.

We covered the Personal Incredulity fallacy previously here on TWFT, but it bears some repetition in light of this news. Personal Incredulity is saying that because one finds something difficult to understand, it’s therefore untrue.

Gen. 1:1 states clearly and unequivocally that, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Bible critics and sceptics say they find such explanation for the origin of the Universe to be utterly incredible. But they’re only being duplicitous considering that it takes an equal (actually, more) amount of faith to believe their own explanation for the origin of things.

For example, the collision of the two neutron stars is said to have “created a cloud of GOLD DUST many times more massive than the Earth”! Here’s a pair of mindless, lifeless, absolutely chaotic mass of gas being credited with the ability to reorganise the intricate subatomic structure of hydrogen/helium atoms to create the even more complex orbitals of heavier elements like gold.

We cannot presume to say that we know how all the Gold and Platinum in the Earth was created; but neither can the atheistic evolutionist. And when all factors have been considered, it takes less incredulity to believe God’s word that they came from an Intelligent, Purposeful Being than to theorise that they were the product of mindless, insane amount of condensed energy.

Confronting just-so theories of origins does not make us intellectually challenged or needlessly controversial; on the contrary it shows a willingness to stick with the Truth – regardless of how non-politically correct it may be.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


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