Friday, July 29, 2016

 Enemy Facts #4
I’m talking about real enemies. Not the petty ones we talked about in Part 2.

We all need friends, love and companionship. However, you need to understand that there is a limit to what they can do for you, even with their best of intentions. There is a certain height in your destiny that you will be unable to attain, (or will attain much slower) if you have ONLY friends in your life.

For proof, look to scripture:
What would happen to Joseph’s dreams if he was the darling of all his brothers? They would all be in Palestine hugging each other when the Great Famine came.

Goliath may have looked like a menace to Israel, but David needed him to be able to enter the national spotlight.

Mordecai’s enemy, Haman, handed him untold wealth, power and authority much beyond what His own cousin Queen Esther of Persia could ever have secured for him.

Daniel’s position as a high-ranking Babylonian official could only take his friends, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego that high (Dan 2:49); but they needed a fiery furnace experience to receive direct kingly promotion (Dan 3:30).

And what would have happened to Jesus’s destiny of dying on the Cross if it had been left in the hands of Peter, James and John? Maybe we’d still be here today. No wonder Jesus called Judas his “Friend” (Mt 26:50).

Don’t be sacred of having enemies, just pray you have the right ones. Let them keep doing what they’re doing. They are only taking you to the top. In the end, you’ll say to them like Joseph did, “But as for you, you thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good” (Gen 50:20).

Let’s wrap up this series with one of our LORD’s admonitions:

 “You have heard that it was said, 'Love your friends, hate your enemies.' But now I tell you: love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” Mt 5:43-44 (GNB)

Need we say more?

More Blessings await you; you’ll not miss them in Jesus Name.


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