Friday, July 22, 2016

HAIL MARY (Part 5)
Throughout this week, we’ve been looking at numerous attributes that Mary possessed that made her excellently fulfil her ministry; attributes that will also help us fulfil our, if we follow her footsteps.
Today, because of space constraint, we’ll end the series with just one more.

There is a certain responsibility that comes with raising God’s baby.
Yesterday we made a little reference to the duality that Mary had to handle while dealing with Jesus.
·         He was boy and her saviour.
·         Her offspring and her creator
·         She gave him life, which he gave her in the first place
·         Etc.

But she handled it all well.

Every mother I know claims that their baby is a “pweety wittle angel”, (even after they smash YOUR iPhone to the ground in a temper tantrum); but only Mary had an absolutely well-behaved child.

How did she treat this perfect Angel(maker?)? Did she smoulder him to the extent that he had no identity?
He spent so much time in the carpenter shed that he was known as “the son of the carpenter”. She treated him so no different from his siblings that they were the last to believe he was unique when he finally went public.
As a child, she took care of him at his most vulnerable. She shielded him from the elements, and also from the sword of those who would seek to destroy him.

Brothers and Sisters, how are we handling God’s project right now?
Dear SIR, have you turned your calling into a ‘god’ that must be worshiped at the detriment of everything else? Are your children and spouse suffering neglect because of “the work of the ministry”?
Or Dear MA’AM, are you now so spiritual with God’s work that all nights are spent in ‘prayer’ while the ‘carnal’ husband has to sleep alone? You’re just a “WOMAN of God”, but Mary could claim to be “MOTHER of”, yet Joseph didn’t get to be reminded of that every 12 minutes. She never stopped him from asking Jesus to work with him. She held a complete balance of it all.

She was perfectly responsible as a parent.

Of course, his being perfectly obedient did help make the work easier. That, and the loads of GOLD that the magi brought with them at his birth. We usually say they were “THREE wise men” but they were so numerous that not just Herod but “All Jerusalem” knew when they arrived (Matt 2:1-3,11)!

Being the mother of Jesus does come with its own privileges. J

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus Name.


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